Code Design

This section of the documentation describes the data structures and organisation of the code for InDiCA. It is primarily intended for developers.

Data Containers

Diagnostics and the results of calculations are stored using the xarray.DataArray and xarray.Dataset classes. This stores multidimensional data with labelled dimensions, coordinates along each dimension, and associated metadata. Standard mathematical operations are built into these objects. Additional bespoke functionality is provided using meta-data and “custom accessors”, as described in the xarray documentation.

Each observed quantity will be stored in its own xarray.DataArray object. Results describing the same species of in the plasma can be grouped together by the user into a single xarray.Dataset. This will allow the data to be passed to a calculation as one argument, rather than several and it is anticipated that most calculations will be designed to work this way.


The following metadata should be attached to xarray.DataArray objects:

datatype(str, str)

Information on the type of data stored in this xarray.DataArray object. See Data Value Type System.


Information on the process which generated this data, including the equilibrium used, if set. See Provenance Tracking.


Information on the process which generated this data, not including the equilibrium used. See Provenance Tracking.


An object describing the coordinate system of this data, with methods to map to other coordinate systems. See Coordinate Systems and Transforms

error (optional)xarray.DataArray

Uncertainty in the value (will not contain any metadata of its own).

dropped (optional)xarray.DataArray

Any channels which were dropped from the main data.

In addition, where xarray.Dataset objects are used, they will have the following metadata:


A provenance collection indicating the contents of this Dataset. See Data Value Type System.

datatype(str, dict)

Information on the type of data stored in this xarray.Dataset object. See Data Value Type System.

Accessing Equilibrium Data

Key to analysing any fusion reactor data is knowing the equilibrium state of the plasma. This is done using equilibrium calculations. Multiple models are available for this and it should be easy to swap one for another in the calculation. The same interface should be used for results from all fusion reactors (as is the case elsewhere in the code).

The equilibrium data which is of interest is the total magnetic field strength, the location of various flux surface (poloidal, toroidal, and potentially others), the minor radius, the volume enclosed by a given flux surface, and the minimum flux surface for a line-of-sight (impact parameter). An Equilibrium class is defined with methods to obtain these values. Rather than try to anticipate every type of flux surface which might be needed, any method which takes or returns a flux surface has an argument kind which accepts a string specifying which one is desired ("poloidal", by default). There is also a method to convert between different flux surface types. This will allow support to be added for additional kinds of fluxes without needing to change the interface.

Unfortunately, equilibrium results are not always entirely accurate and may need to be adjusted. The location of the flux surfaces will often be slightly offset along the major axis from the “real” ones. Therefore, the user can pass in R_shift and z_shift arguments to the constructor, indicating how much the flux surfaces should be moved by in each direction. It is also possible to pass an a DataArray containing electron temperatures. If this is present, then instead of using the specified R_shift the constructor will attempt to determine an optimal one. It estimates (to the nearest half centimetre) the offset in R needed for the electron temperature at the last closed flux surface to be about 100eV. It provides a plot of the optimal R-shift at different times, with the average value also draw. This average value is used to reposition the flux surfaces and a second plot is produced with electron temperature against normalised flux. The user can choose to accept this offset or to specify a custom value. If the latter, these plots will be recreated with the new R-shift and the user will again be asked whether or not to accept it. (This is the default behaviour; it is also possible for the user to provide a handler function with custom functionality, such as determining the result automatically or to integrate the selection interface more tightly with the GUI.)

Equilibrium objects are instantiated using a dictionary of xarray.DataArray objects obtained using a DataReader object (see Data IO). The equilibrium class can be represented by the following UML.

class Equilibrium {
+ tstart: float
+ tend: float
+ provenance: ProvEntity
- _session: Session

+ __init__(equilibrium_data: Dict[str, DataArray], T_e: DataArray,
  \t\t\tR_shift: float, z_shift: float)
+ Btot(R: DataArray, z: DataArray, t: DataArray): (DataArray, DataArray)
+ enclosed_volume(rho: DataArray, t: DataArray, kind: str):
  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t(DataArray, DataArray)
+ invert_enclosed_volume(vol: DataArray, t: DataArray, kind: str):
  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t(DataArray, DataArray)
+ minor_radius(rho: DataArray, theta: DataArray, t: DataArray,
  \t\t\tkind: str): (DataArray, DataArray)
+ flux_coords(R: DataArray, z: DataArray, t: DataArray, kind: str):
  \t\t\t\t\t\t\t(DataArray, DataArray, DataArray)
+ spatial_coords(rho: DataArray, theta: DataArray, t: DataArray,
  \t\t\tkind: str): (DataArray, DataArray, DataArray)
+ convert_flux_coords(rho: DataArray, t: DataArray, from_kind: str,
  \t\t\tto_kind: str): (DataArray, DataArray)
+ R_hfs(rho: DataArray, t: DataArray, kind: str): (DataArray, DataArray)
+ R_lfs(rho: DataArray, t: DataArray, kind: str): (DataArray, DataArray)

Coordinate Systems and Transforms

Each diagnostic which is used for calculations is stored on a different coordinate system and/or grid. One of the key challenges is thus to make it easy to convert between these coordinate systems. This is further complicated by the fact that many of the coordinate systems are based on what (time-dependent) equilibrium state was calculated for the plasma. Transforms between coordinate systems must therefore be agnostic as to which equilibrium results are used.

When operations are performed on xarray.DataArray objects, they are automatically aligned (“alignment” meaning that ticks on their respective axes have the same locations). Any indices which do not match are discarded; the result consists only of the intersection of the two sets of coordinates. When operating on datasets where some or all dimensions have different names, it automatically performs Broadcasting by dimension name. However, note that this would not be physically correct if the coordinates are not linearly independent.

There is also built-in support for interpolating onto a new coordinate system. This can be either for different grid-spacing on the same axes or for another set of axes entirely. Unfortunately, only 1st order interpolation is supported if interpolating over multiple dimensions. This is all a bit cumbersome, so convenience methods are provided to make it easier.

In order to perform these sorts of conversions, a means is necessary to map from one coordinate system to another. An arbitrary number of potential coordinate systems could be used and being able to map between each of them would require \(O(n^2)\) different functions. This can be reduced to \(O(n)\) if instead we choose a go-between coordinate system to which all the others can be converted. A sensible choice for this would be \(R, z\), as these axes are orthogonal, the coordinates remain constant over time, and libraries to retrieve equilibrium data typically work in these coordinates.

A CoordinateTransform class is defined to handle this process. This is an abstract class which will have a different subclass for each type of coordinate system. It has two abstract methods, for converting coordinates to and from R-z. A non-abstract convert_to method takes another coordinate system as an argument and will map coordinates onto it. Finally, the distance method can provide the spatial distance between grid-points along a given axis and first grid-point on that axis.


If you wish to convert the coordinates used by a particular xarray.DataArray into a different coordinate system, do not call transform’s methods directly. Instead you should use convert_coords() or get_coords(). The only difference between the two is the latter will also return the time coordinates. These methods are simpler and will also cache results to save needing to recalculate them if they are needed again later.

In addition to doing conversions via R-z coordinates, subclasses of CoordinateTransform may define additional methods to map directly between coordinate systems. This would be useful if there is a more efficient way to do the conversion without going through R-z, if that transformation is expected to be particularly frequently used, or if that transformation would need to be done as a step in converting to R-z coordinates. These can be accessed by calling get_converter() with the coordinate transform that you wish to convert to. If a shortcut method is available for this conversion, it will be returned. Otherwise, None will be returned. It is the responsibility of the writer of the subclass to override this method, if necessary.

Each subclass should indicate the names of the two spatial dimensions associated with the coordinate system. In some cases these can be specified as static attributes (when the coordinate is universal, such as R, z, and rho_poloidal) while in others they should be object attributes (e.g., when it corresponds to channel numbers for a particular instrument).

The CoordinateTransform class is agnostic to the equilibrium data and can be instantiated without any knowledge of it. However, many subclasses will require equilibrium information to perform the needed calculations. This can be set using the set_equilibrium() method at any time after instantiation. Calling this method multiple times with the same equilibrium object will have no affect. Calling with a different equilibrium object will cause an error unless specifying the argument force=True.

abstract class CoordinateTransform {
+ x1_name: str
+ x2_name: str

+ set_equilibrium(equilibrium: Equilibrium, force: bool)
+ get_converter(other: CoordinateTransform, reverse: bool): Optional[Callable]
+ convert_to(other: CoordinateTransform, x1: DataArray, x2: DataArray,
             \t\tt: DataArray): (DataArray, DataArray, DataArray)
+ {abstract} convert_to_Rz(x1: DataArray, x2: DataArray, t: DataArray):
  \t\t\t\t\t\t(DataArray, DataArray, DataArray)
+ {abstract} convert_from_Rz(x1: DataArray, x2: DataArray, t: DataArray):
  \t\t\t\t\t\t(DataArray, DataArray, DataArray)
+ distance(direction: int, x1: DataArray, x2: DataArray,
           \t\tt: DataArray): (DataArray, DataArray)
- encode(): str
- {static} decode(input: str): CoordinateTransform

Methods to encode() and decode() a transform to/from JSON will be provided. This will work by encoding the arguments used to instantiate a transform object, allowing it to be recreated upon decoding. Note that this means the equilibrium will still need to be set again manually. Most of this functionality should be implemented from the base class and those writing subclasses shouldn’t need to do more than call a method at instantiation or use a decorator (details TBC).

Each DataArray will have a transform attribute which is one of these objects. To save on memory and computation, different data from the same instrument/diagnostic will share a single transform object. This should not normally be of any concern for the user, unless they are attempting to use multiple sets of equilibrium data at once.

The methods on CoordinateTransform take xarray.DataArray objects as arguments. They make use of broadcasting by dimension name. This allows easy creation of grids.

Data IO

There is some common functionality for all reading and writing operations which will be performed. This involves authenticating users and opening/closing the IO stream. For convenience, methods should be provided to make the latter possible through a context manager. This functionality is placed in a common base class BaseIO, leaving methods abstract where necessary.

abstract class BaseIO {
+ __enter__(): DataWriter
+ __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): bool
+ authenticate(name: str, password: str): bool
+ {abstract} close()
.. «property» ..
+ {abstract} requires_authentication(): bool



Reading data is done using a standard interface, DataReader. A different subclass is defined for each data source/format. These return collections of xarray.DataArray objects with all the necessary metadata.

abstract class DataReader {
+ {static} NAMESPACE: (str, str)
- {static} _AVAILABLE_QUANTITIES: dict
+ {abstract} DDA_METHODS: dict
+ get(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
            \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, DataArray]
+ get_thomson_scattering(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
            \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, DataArray]
- {abstract} _get_thomson_scattering(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
            \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, Any]
+ get_charge_exchange(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
            \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, DataArray]
- {abstract} _get_thomson_scattering(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
            \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, Any]
+ available_quantities(instrument: str): Dict[str, (str, str)]

class PPFReader {
+ NAMESPACE: (str, str)
+ {static} DDA_METHODS
- _client: SALClient
+ __init__(pulse: int, tstart: float, tend: float, server: str)
+ authenticate(name: str, password: str): bool
- _get_thomson_scattering(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
               \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, Any]
- _get_thomson_scattering(uid: str, instrument: str, revision: int,
               \t\t\t\tquantities: Set[str]): Dict[str, Any]
+ close()
.. «property» ..
+ {abstract} requires_authentication(): bool

abstract class BaseIO

BaseIO <|-- DataReader
DataReader <|-- PPFReader

Here we see that reader classes contain public methods for getting data for each type of diagnostic. It also provides methods for authentication and closing a database connection. Each reader should feature a dictionary called _IMPLEMENTATION_QUANTITIES. This is a dictionary which maps from instrument names to more dictionaries. This second layer of dictionaries maps from the names of available quantities for that instrument to the data type of each one. Subclasses should also provide a dictionary called DDA_METHODS which maps from instrument names to the particular method needed to retrieve the data for that instrument. This is needed for the general get() method to work. Finally, the NAMESPACE attribute can be overridden for use in PROV data. The first element of the tuple should be a short name for the namespace, while the second should be a URL associated with the data (e.g., the URL of the server from which is fetched).

The methods for getting diagnostic data (e.g., get_thomson_scattering()) method is implemented in the parent class and provides basic functionality for assembling raw NumPy arrays into xarray.DataArray objects, with appropriate metadata. The actual process of getting these arrays data is delegated to the abstract private methods (in this case, _get_thomson_scattering), which are implementation dependent. Implementations are free to define additional private methods if necessary. The form of the constructor for each reader class is not defined, as this is likely to vary widely.

Lines of Sight

Note that the PPF reader must read data on line of sight positions from a separate datafile, referred to as SURF. This is done using read_surf_los(). Currently the PPF reader is hardcoded to call this for a version of the SURF database file distributed with InDiCA. However, in future it may be extended to allow users to specify an alternate version.

Atomic Data

In addition to reading in diagnostics, it is necessary to load ADAS atomic data. Fortunately, this is much more straightforward. A simple ADASReader class is defined with method for getting different types of atomic data. Currently only ADF11 data is supported, via the get_adf11() method. By default, data is fetched from the OpenADAS database and then cached on the disk for reuse. Alternatively, at construction, the user may provide a path to a file hierarchy containing proprietary ADAS data. The get... methods returns a xarray.DataArray objects, with properties (e.g., temperature, density, charge state) used as coordinates.

class ADASReader {
+ path: str

+ __init__(path: Path)
+ get_adf11(quantity: str, element: str, year: str): DataArray
+ close()
+ create_provenance(filename: Path, start_time: datetime): ProvEntity
- _get_file(dataclass: str, filename: Path): TextIO
.. «property» ..
+ requires_authentication(): bool

abstract class BaseIO

BaseIO <|-- ADASReader



Data output is not yet implemented and may undergo changes once it has been.

A similar approach of defining an abstract base class (indica.writers.DataWriter) is used for writing out data to different formats.

abstract class DataWriter {
+ write(uid: str, name: str, *args: Union[DataArray, Dataset])
- {abstract} _write(uid: str, name: str, data: Dataset, equilibria: Dict[str, Equilibrium], prov: ProvDocument)

class NetCDFWriter {
+ __init__(filename: str)
+ _write(uid: str, name: str, data: Dataset, equilibria: Dict[str, Equilibrium], prov: ProvDocument)
+ close()
.. «property» ..
+ requires_authentication(): bool

abstract class BaseIO

BaseIO <|-- DataWriter
DataWriter <|-- NetCDFWriter

In derived class in this example writes to NetCDF files, which is a particularly easy task as there is already close integration between xarray and NetCDF. Other derived classes will be defined for each database system which the software is able to read from.

This is a simpler design than that used for reading data. This is because reading data requires dealing with the particularities of how each diagnostic is stored data in the database and reorganising that into a consistent format. When writing we can rely all diagnostics being represented in essentially the same way in memory and thus only need to convert it into a writeable format once, in the indica.writers.DataWriter.write() method. The only task remaining is the simple one of writing to disk or a database in the private _write method.

To reformat data to be more amenable to writing, the following will occur. All data will be placed in a new xarray.Dataset containing all data, with attributes reformated as necessary:

  • Uncertainty will be made a member of the dataset, with the name VARIABLE_uncertainty, where VARIABLE is the name of the variable it is associated with.

  • Dropped data will be merged into the main data and the attribute will be replaced with a list of the indices of the dropped channels and dropped_dim, the name of the dimension these indices are for.

  • The coordinate transform will be replaced with a JSON serialisation, from which it can be recreated. These serialisations will be stored in a dictionary attribute for the Dataset as a whole, with each DataArray holding the key for its corresponding transform.

  • The PROV attributes will be replaced by the ID for that entity. The complete PROV data for the session will be passed to low-level writing routines as a separate argument.

  • Datatypes will be serialised as JSON

  • All variables will have an equilibrium attribute, which provides an identifier for the equilibrium data (passed to the low-level writer in a dictionary).

PROV and equilibrium data should be written elsewhere in the output file/database, with attributes used to associate variables with it. If desired, a similar approach could be taken when it comes to writing coordinate transform data, as many variables are likely to share the same transform.

Data Value Type System

When performing physics operations, arguments have specific physical meanings associated with them. The most obvious way this manifests itself is in terms of what units are associated with a number. However, you may have multiple distinct quantities with the same units and an operation may require a specific one of those. It is desirable to be able to detect mistake arising from using the wrong quantity as quickly as possible. For this reason, operations on data define what they expects that data to be and to check this.

Beyond catching errors when using this software as a library or interactively at the command line, this technique will be valuable when building a GUI interface. It will allow the GUI to limit the choice of input for each operation to those variables which are valid. This will simplify use and make it safer.

This system does not need to be very complicated. A type for the data in an xarray.DataArray consists of two labels. The first indicates the general type of quantity (e.g., number density, temperature, luminosity, etc.) and the second indicates the specific type of species (type of ion, electrons, soft X-rays, etc.) which this quantity describes. These are combined in a 2-tuple. Either element of the tuple may also be None, indicating that the type is unconstrained or unknown. See examples below:

# Describes a generic number density of some particle
("number_density", None)
# Describes number density of electrons
("number_density", "electrons")
# Describes number density of primary impurity
("number_density", "tungston")

Type descriptions are a bit more complicated for xarray.Dataset objects. Recall that these objects are groupings of data for a given species. Therefore, they are made up a 2-tuple where the first item is the specific type and the second is a dictionary. This dictionary maps the names of the xarray.DataArray objects contained in the Dataset to the general type that DataArray stores:

# Describes data number density, temperature, and angular
# frequency of Tungston
("tungston", {"n", "number_density",
              "T": "temperature",
              "omega": "angular_freq"})

Each operation on data contains information on the types of arguments it expects to receive and return and has a method to confirm that these expectations are met. An operation may leave the general and/oror specific datatype as None. Each xarray.DataArray and xarray.Dataset contains type information in its metadata, associated to the key "datatype" and this always specifies both general and specific type(s).

In principal, this is all the infrastructure that would be needed for the type system. However, it is useful to keep a global registry of the types available. This helps to enforce consistent labelling of types and gives the ability to check for type. It is also used to store information on what each type corresponds to and in what units it should be provided. This information is useful documentation for users and can be integrated in a GUI interface. This is be accomplished using dictionaries:

GENERAL_DATATYPES = {"number_density": ("Number density of a particle", "m^-3"),
                     "temperature": ("Temperature of a species", "keV")}
SPECIFIC_DATATYPES = {"electrons": "Electron gas in plasma",
                      "tungston": "Tungston ions in plasma"}

This information is stored in the datatypes module.

It is expected that many calculations will not specify a specific datatype as they can in principle work with any kind of ion. The user can try running the calculation with different combinations of impurities and see which produces the most reasonable results.

Provenance Tracking

In order to make research reproducible, it is valuable to know exactly how a data set is generated. For this reason, the library contains a mechanism for tracking data “provenance”. Every time data is created, either by being read in or by a calculation on other data, a record should also be created describing how this was done.

There already exist standards and library for recording this sort of information: W3C defines the PROV standard and the PyProv library exists to use it from within Python. In this model, there are the following types of records:


Something you want to describe the provenance of, such as book, piece of artwork, scientific paper, web page, or book.


Something occurring over a period of time which acts on or with entities.


Something bearing responsibility for an activity occurring or an entity existing.

There are various sorts of relationships between these objects, with the main ones summarised in the diagram below.


This software provides a class Session which holds the provenance document as well as contains information about the user and version of the software. A global session can be established using indica.session.Session.begin() or a context manager. Doing so requires specifying information about the user, such as an email or ORCiD ID. The library will then use this global session to record information or, alternatively, you can provide your own instance when constructing objects. The latter option allows greater flexibility and, e.g., running two sessions in parallel.

What follows is a list of the sorts of PROV objects which will be generated. Each of them should come with an unique identifier. Where the data is read from some sort of database this could be the key for the object. Otherwise it should be a hash generated from the metadata of the object.


A calculation will be represented by an Activity. It will be linked with the data entities it used to do the calculation, the user or other agent to invoke it, and the Operator object which actually performed it.

xarray.DataArray objects

Each data object will be represented by an Entity. This entity will contain links with the user and piece of software (e.g., reader or operator) to create it, the reading or calculation activity it was produced by, and any entities which went into its creation. This first entity will be stored as an attribute with the key partial_provenance.

An additional Entity (a collection) will be stored as an attribute with key provenance. This collection will contain the partial_provenance entity and the entity for the indica.equilibrium.Equilibrium object used by this data. Any change to the equilibrium object will result in a new provenance entity.

xarray.Dataset objects

Datasets will also be represented by Entities, specifically a collection. The DataArray objects making up the dataset will be indicated in PROV as members of the collection.

DataReader objects

These objects are represented as both an Entity and an Agent. The former is used to describe how it was instantiated (e.g., the user that created it, what arguments were used) while the latter can be used to indicate when it creates DataArray objects by reading them in.


Third-party libraries which are depended on should be represented as Entitites in the provenance data. Information should be provided on which version was used.

Equilibrium objects

An Equilibrium object will be represented by an Entity. This references the user (agent) to instantiate it, the constructor call (activity) that did so, and the data (entities) used in its creation.

External data

External data (e.g., contained in files or remote databases) should have a simple representation as an Entity. Sufficient information should be provided to uniquely identify the record.

Operator objects

Similar to reader objects, these are represented as both an Entity and an Agent. Again, the former provides information on who created the operator and what arguments were used. The latter indicates the object’s role in performing calculations.


The overall library/impurities package is itself represented by an Entity. This should contain information on the version or git commit. It could also provide information on the authors who wrote it.

Reading data

Reading data is an Activity. It is associated with a reader agent and a user of the software. It uses external data entities.

Session objects

An Activity representing the current running instance of this software. It uses the package and dependencies and is associated with the user to launch it. It contains metadata on the computer being used, the working directory, etc.


The person using the software is represented as an Agent. Data objects will be attributed to them. They are associated with the session. Sometimes they will delegate authority to classes or functions which are themselves agents. Sufficient metadata should be provided to allow them to be contacted. Ideally they would have some sort of unique identifier such as an ORCiD ID, but email is also acceptable.

xarray Extensions

A number of InDiCA-specific utilities are needed in addition to standard xarray functionality. For this reason, “custom accessors” were written to provide these methods in the indica namespace. Accessors are available for both xarray.DataArray and xarray.Dataset objects, although the functionality varies between them. These accessors are available in any scope that has imported the top-level indica package.

If you want to convert the coordinates used by a given DataArray into a coordinate system given by new_transform, this can be done by calling convert_coords() or get_coords().

# Get new spatial coordinates
x1, x2 = array.indica.convert_coords(new_transform)
# Or, to get t as well:
x1, x2, t = array.indica.get_coords(new_transform)

To interpolate data onto the coordinate system used by another DataArray, use the get_coords() method. This allows you to do maths with DataArrays using different coordinate systems:

# array1 and array2 are on different coordinate systems.

# Broadcasting creates a 4D array; probably not what you want
array3 = array1 + array2

# Same coordinate system as array1
array4 = array1 + array2.indica.remap_like(array1)

# Same coordinate system as array2
array5 = array1.indica.remap_like(array2) + array2

Other functionality provided by the DataArray accessor includes

  • Indicating data which should be dropped/ignored

  • Restoring dropped data

  • Getting/setting the equilibrium object

  • Checking datatype

  • Performing cubic 2D interpolation

For Datasets you can

  • convert coordinates (if metadata contains key "transform")

  • add new data, updating provenance accordingly

  • Get the datatype and check others are compatible

Read the full documentation for data for more details.

Operations on Data

In the previous sections I referred to “operations” on data. These should be seen as something distinct from standard mathematical operators, etc. Rather, they should be thought of as representing some discreet, physically meaningful calculation which one wishes to perform on some data. They take physical quantities as arguments and return one or more derived physical quantities as a result. They are represented by callable objects of class indica.operators.Operator. A base class is provided, containing some utility methods, which all operators inherit from. The main purpose of these utility methods is to check that types of arguments are correct and to assemble information on data provenance. The class is represented by the following UML:

class Operator {
- _start_time: datetime
- _input_provenance: list
- _session: Session
+ agent: ProvAgent
+ entity: ProvEntity
+ {abstract} ARGUMENT_TYPES: list

+ __init__(self, sess: Session, **kwargs: Any)
+ {abstract} return_types(self, *args: DataType): tuple
+ {abstract} __call__(self, *args: Union[DataArray, Dataset]): Union[DataArray, Dataset]
+ assign_provenance(data: Union[DataArray, Dataset])
+ validate_arguments(*args: Union[DataArray, Dataset])
+ {static} recreate(provenance: ProvEntity): Operator

class ImplementedOperator {

+ __init__(self, ...)
+ __call__(self, ...): Union[DataArray, Dataset]

Operator <|-- ImplementedOperator

Each operator object should have an attribute called ARGUMENT_TYPES, which may be either a class or an object attribute, as appropriate. This is a list of datatypes. Specific and/or general datatypes may be left as None, if they are not constrained. The last element in the list may be ellipsis dots. This indicates that operator is variadic. The types of the variadic argument must match the penultimate item in INPUT_TYPES (i.e., the one preceding the ellipsis). If that item contains a None field, then the datatype of the corresponding argument must also be matched. For example:

assert operator.ARGUMENT_TYPES == [("luminous_flux", None), ...]
assert sxr_h.attrs["datatype"] == ("luminous_flux", "sxr")
assert sxr_v.attrs["datatype"] == ("luminous_flux", "sxr")
assert bolo_h.attrs["datatype"] == ("luminous_flux", "bolometric")
# This would be a valid call
operator(sxr_h, sxr_v)
# This would not be valid
operator(sxr_h, bolo_h)

There is also an abstract method return_types(). This takes datatypes as arguments, corresponding to the positional arguments with which the operator would be called. It returns a tuple of the datatypes which it would produce.

While performing the calculation they should not make reference to any global data except for well-established physical constants, for reasons of reproducibility and data provenance. If it would be too cumbersome to pass all of the required data when calling the operation, additional parameters can be provided at instantiation-time; this is useful if the operation is expected to be applied multiple times to different data but using some of the same parameters.