How to Develop

When you first come to InDiCA as a developer, you may find the idea of making even small changes to be quite daunting. This guide will try to walk you through how to start developing and explain the steps for adding different types of functionality. Before you continue, it is strongly recommended that you read about the Code Design.

Obtaining a Copy of the Code

The git version control system is used when developing InDiCA. If you are not familiar with it, there are many tutorials available online. The code is hosted on GitHub. You can download a copy with the command

# If you have permission to make changes to the repository
git clone

# If you do not have permission and won't contribute changes upstream
git clone

If you want to contribute your changes upstream but don’t have permission to do so, fork the repository and do your development there. Then make a pull request (see below) from you forked version.

All development should be performed on a dedicated branch:

git branch my_new_feature
git checkout my_new_feature

Setting up the Development Environment

InDiCA development uses Poetry to manage dependencies, control the testing environment, and handle packaging. Follow the instructions on installing poetry. In the repository, run:

poetry install

This will install all the necessary dependencies in a virtual environment. To run a command from this virtual environment, use:

poetry run <command>

Next you need to set up pre-commit to enable the automatic running of various checks before you can commit your code. Just run:

poetry run pre-commit install

Now open your favourite text editor/IDE and start developing!

Adding Features

InDiCA provides a framework for analysing and performing calculations with diagnostic data. The vast majority of new features will not require any fundamental changes to this framework and only the adding of new classes within it.

Reading from New Databases

To support a new database (e.g., one at another fusion experiment), you must subclass DataReader. The base class provides all of the functionality for assembling data from different diagnostics into DataArray objects. It also handles the creation of provenance. Subclasses must implement logging into the database (if necessary) and fetching the raw data. An example of implementing such a reader can be seen in PPFReader. You should place your new class in the readers directory and make it available in the module of said directory.

Reader Constructor

You should first write the constructor for your class. This must make a call to the parent’s constructor, providing the following information:


Time into the pulse at which to start keeping data.


Time into the pulse at which to stop keeping data.


The maximum frequency of data collection. If data is collected above this frequency, some of it will be dropped.


A callback allowing the user to select which channels to drop when reading data.


The Session object for this run of the code.

As such, you will want these to be arguments for your new reader class’s constructor. You will also probably want an argument identifying which pulse to read data for and possibly one indicating the server holding the database. Extra arguments such of these should be passed to the parent constructor as keyword arguments, for use when creating provenance.

Within the constructor you should also do anything required to set up reading of data, such as instantiating the database client.


Most likely your database will require a username and/or password to log in. If this is the case, you should implement the requires_authentication() property (indicating when this is necessary) and the authenticate() method.

Diagnostic Fetching Methods

Each diagnostic fetcher in the base reader class (e.g., get_radiation(), get_thomson_scattering(), etc.) requires a corresponding private version of the method to be implemented which returns the raw data as NumPy arrays. Each of these private methods have docstrings describing the data they must return. Not all reader classes need to implement all diagnostics.

For each diagnostic you implement, you must provide some information on the sort of data it can return. First, you should define a static/class-level attribute INSTRUMENT_METHODS, which is a dictionary mapping between INSTRUMENT names (in the JET parlance; they are the “instrument” argument to the getter methods) and the specific get-method used to read that data. In effect, this is defining what type of diagnostic each supported instrument provides.

You may also need to provide an _IMPLENTATION_QUANTITIES static attribute. This is similar to the _AVAILABLE_QUANTITIES attribute in the base class. The latter describes default quantities which are available for each diagnostic and what datatype they will have. _IMPLEMENTATION_QUANTITIES allows you to override this for specific instruments. It maps from instrument names to dictionaries. These dictionaries have keys that are the name of available quantities and values that are the datatype of the quantity.


You may wish to cache the raw data you have fetched from the database, to speed up future reading. This is done by PPFReader. However, it is not mandatory.

Bad Channels

Sometimes a channel is known to provide bad data. This might be because it corresponds to a line of sight which is facing the divertor. You must implement the private method _get_bad_channels which will return a list of these channels given a particular instrument and quantity.


Most of the work of generating provenance is handled by the base class. However, you should provide a NAMESPACE attribute on the child class, as either a class or and object attribute. This is tuple containing a short name for the namespace and a URL. This URL will likely be that of the server you are fetching the data from. (See information on PROV namespaces.)

Additionally, you will see that when implementing the private getter methods you are required to include <quantity_name>_records data in the result. This is a list of strings, each of which should uniquely identify the database records you have accessed. This does not need to contain any information on the database URL, however, as that will be included by the base class.

Supporting New Coordinate Systems

To implement a converter for a new coordinate system, you need to subclass CoordinateTransform. You will then need to provide the methods convert_to_Rz(), convert_from_Rz(), and __eq__(). A good example to start from when creating a new coordinate transform is TransectCoordinates. You should place your new class in the readers directory and make it available in the module of said directory.

Standard Functionality

You will most likely also need to provide a constructor, although there are no particular constraints or requirements on what this does. It should just take whatever configurations are needed for your coordinate system. You will also need to declare the attributes x1_name and x2_name which are the names which should be used for the first and second spatial coordinates. These may be class attributes, if they will always be the same for these types of coordinates (e.g., in the TrivialTransform. Alternatively, they may be object attributes if each instance can represent a distinct coordinate system (e.g., TransectCoordinates).

The convert_from_Rz and convert_to_Rz methods are fairly self-explanatory. They should convert from R-z coordinates to your new coordinate system and vice versa, respectively. The equality operator should check whether two transforms describe identical coordinate systems. It must start with a call to the _abstract_equals method, which will check equality of attributes on the base class and the coordinate names.

Shortcut Methods

Some coordinate systems have a natural means of converting between each other (e.g., LinesOfSightTransform and ImpactParameterCoordinates) which will be more efficient than doing so via the R-z system. Often calculation of R-z coordinates will require converting to this other coordinate system first. In those cases you should implement those calculations in separate methods. You can then override the get_converter() method to return one of these “shortcut” methods for converting to the other coordinate system, if such a shortcut is available. Otherwise, it should just return None.

There are some subtleties to this of which you should be wary. First, often such a shortcut conversion will only be possible for a particular instance of the other coordinate system (as is the case for lines of sight and impact parameters: the shortcut only makes sense of lines of sight coordinates are the same ones for which the impact parameters were calculated). It should also be noted that the get_converter method has the argument reverse, which indicates that you are looking for the reverse conversion (convert from the other coordinates system to this one, instead of from this one to the other). If reverse == False and you could not find a suitable converter on your object, you should always make a call to other.get_converter(self, reverse=True) to see if that object has a suitable conversion method. This is necessary because often the necessary information for both directions of the conversion is only held by one of the coordinate systems and it must implement both of the shortcut methods.

Other Notes

In rare cases it may be necessary to implement a custom distance() method. This is the case if, for some reason, the distance between successive points in R-z space does not correspond to the actual distance along the coordinate. This would happen if the coordinate has some component in the toroidal direction, as is the case for the LinesOfSightTransform.

Coordinate transforms do not record provenance.

Performing New Operations

Most development will likely focus on performing new calculations with the data. This will require you to create new subclasses of Operator. You will need to implement a constructor, return_types() and the __call__() methods. CalcZeff provides a simple example of an operator which you can examine. New operator classes should be placed in the operators directory and made available in the file in that directory.

Operator Constructor

Your constructor must make a call to the constructor on the parent class. This requires you to pass a Session object, which your subclass’s constructor should also take as an argument. Any other arguments to the subclass’s constructor should be passed as keyword arguments to the superclass’s constructor so they can be included in provenance.

Argument Types and Return Types

All operators must provide an ARGUMENT_TYPES attributes, which is a list of datatypes. This may be either a class attribute or an instance attribute, as appropriate. Datatypes in the list may contain None for the specific datatype and/or, in the case of data arrays, the general datatype as well. This indicates that the type is unconstrained. The final element of the list may be an Ellipsis object (...), which indicates that the operator takes variadic arguments. The type of the variadic arguments will be that of the penultimate item in the list. If that datatype is unconstrained (i.e., contains None) then the type of all variadic arguments must match that of the first variadic argument.

You will also need to implement the return_types() method. This takes datatypes as arguments. These correspond to the datatypes of some hypothetical arguments for the operator. The method will then return a tuple of the datatypes of the results of the operator. The number and types of results will often depend on the number and types of arguments to the operator, hence why a method is needed to determine them.

The Calculation Itself

The operator’s calculation is performed in the __call__() method. These methods break strict static typing, as each operator will take a different number of arguments, with different names. However, all arguments must be positional and none should be optional. Variadic positional arguments are allowed. In order to prevent mypy from complaining that your __call__ method does not match the call signature of the original on the base class, you should add # type: ignore[override] to the method declaration.

The first thing you should do in the method is call validate_arguments(). This will check that all arguments are of the expected type. It will also take note of these arguments for the purpose of generating provenance.

Your operator should then proceed to the calculation. The details of this will vary greatly from case to case. If your calculation is expected to take a long time, it may be worth printing some messages describing the progress. These can also be useful for debugging.

Remember that many, many mathematical operations are available in SciPy and do not need to be implemented from scratch. When performing coordinate transformations, make use of the convert_coords() method (and its equivalent for datasets) so results will be stored in the data array/dataset and be available for later reuse. If you need to perform an interpolation, remember that xarray offers this builtin (xarray.DataArray.interp()) and, should you need to perform cubic interpolation over two dimensions, this is available through the interp2d() method.

It is often useful to return intermediate results of the calculation for reuse elsewhere. If there is some output of the calculation that is neither a dataset nor a data array, then it can be assigned as metadata to one of the other results.

Once the calculation is finished, be sure that all of your results have the necessary metadata, such as datatype, coordinate transform, and an equilibrium set. You will also need to assign provenance data to each result. You should do this by calling assign_provenance() for each result.

Contributing Changes Upstream

If you implement new features, you should consider submitting them for inclusion in the official version of InDiCA. You can do this by submitting a pull request on GitHub. In your pull request, please explain what you have implemented, with reference to any of the repository’s issues which it may address.

In order for your pull request to be accepted, it must meet the following standards:

  • pass all pre-commit hooks (e.g., it must obey the black formatting style

  • use Python type-hints wherever possible

  • pass mypy

  • provide unit tests (and ideally integration tests as well)

  • not introduce any regressions in existing functionality

  • provide docstrings for all functions and classes, using the NumPy style

  • depending on the sort of change you make, explain the new features in the sphinx documentation held in the doc/ directory.

Most of these will be checked automatically by the continuous integration system when you create your pull request. You should also expect your code to undergo review and you may be requested to make various stylistic changes or adopt a more idiomatic approach to using InDiCA features.