Source code for indica.converters.magnetic

"""Coordinate systems based on strength of magnetic field."""

from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from xarray import apply_ufunc

from .abstractconverter import Coordinates
from .abstractconverter import CoordinateTransform
from ..numpy_typing import LabeledArray

class ConvergenceError(Exception):
    """Exception thrown when a solver failes to converge."""

[docs]class MagneticCoordinates(CoordinateTransform): """Class for transect-like coordinate systems using total magnetic field strength for location along the transect. The line of sight is assumed to be perfectly horizontal. The second coordinate in this system is the vertical offset from the line of sight (the argument for which would typically be 0 when converting to Rz coordinates). Parameters ---------- z The vertical position of the line of sight along which measurements are taken. Used as default z position. name The name for this coordinate system. Typically taken from the instrument these coordinates are for. machine_dimensions A tuple giving the boundaries of the Tokamak in R-z space: ``((Rmin, Rmax), (zmin, zmax)``. Defaults to values for JET. """ def __init__( self, z: float, name: str, machine_dimensions: Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]] = ( (1.83, 3.9), (-1.75, 2.0), ), ): self.z_los = z self.x1_name = name + "_Btot" self.x2_name = self.x1_name + "_z_offset" self.left = machine_dimensions[0][0] self.right = machine_dimensions[0][1]
[docs] def convert_to_Rz( self, x1: LabeledArray, x2: LabeledArray, t: LabeledArray ) -> Coordinates: """Convert from this coordinate to the R-z coordinate system. Parameters ---------- x1 The first spatial coordinate in this system. x2 The second spatial coordinate in this system. t The time coordinate (if there is one, otherwise ``None``) Returns ------- R Major radius coordinate z Height coordinate """ def find_root(B: float, x2: float, t: float) -> float: def func(R: float) -> float: return cast(float, self.convert_from_Rz(R, x2 + self.z_los, t)[0] - B) brackets = find_brackets(self.left, self.right, func) result = root_scalar( func, bracket=brackets, xtol=1e-8, rtol=1e-6, ) if result.converged: return result.root raise ConvergenceError( f"scipy.optimize.root_scalar failed to converge with flag {result.flag}" ) # apply_ufunc vectorize=True does not seem to be working vfunc = np.vectorize(find_root) return apply_ufunc(vfunc, x1, x2, t, vectorize=False), x2 + self.z_los
[docs] def convert_from_Rz( self, R: LabeledArray, z: LabeledArray, t: LabeledArray ) -> Coordinates: """Convert from the master coordinate system to this coordinate. Parameters ---------- R Major radius coordinate z Height coordinate t Time coordinate) Returns ------- x1 The first spatial coordinate in this system. x2 The second spatial coordinate in this system. """ B, t2 = self.equilibrium.Btot(R, z, t) return B, z - self.z_los
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False result = self._abstract_equals(other) return cast(bool, result and np.all(self.z_los == other.z_los))
def find_brackets( left: float, right: float, function: Callable[[float], float] ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Find suitable brackets around a root of the function. Relies in standard shape of total magnetic field strength. """ fleft = function(left) fright = function(right) if fleft * fright <= 0.0: return float(left), float(right) if fleft < 0.0: if left > 1e-1: left /= 1.5 elif left > 0.0: left = 0.0 elif left == 0.0: left = -0.1 else: left *= 1.5 return find_brackets(left, right, function) assert fright > 0.0 # Calculate new right bracket if left < -1e-1: left /= 1.5 elif left < 0.0: left = 0.0 elif left == 0.0: left = 0.1 else: left *= 1.5 return find_brackets(left, right, function)