Source code for

`"Custom accessors"
are defined to provide additional functionality to
:py:class:`xarray.DataArray` and :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`
objects. These accessors group methods under the namespace
``indica``. E.g.::

  data_array.indica.check_datatype(("temperature", "electron"))
  dataset.indica.check_datatype(("electron", {"T": "temperature",
                                              "n": "number_density"}))


import datetime
from itertools import filterfalse
from numbers import Number
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Dict
from typing import Hashable
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import prov.model as prov
from scipy.interpolate import CloughTocher2DInterpolator
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.types import InterpOptions
from xarray.core.utils import either_dict_or_kwargs

from . import session
from .converters import CoordinateTransform
from .converters.abstractconverter import Coordinates
from .datatypes import ArrayType
from .datatypes import DatasetType
from .equilibrium import Equilibrium
from .numpy_typing import ArrayLike
from .numpy_typing import LabeledArray
from .numpy_typing import OnlyArray
from .numpy_typing import XarrayGeneric

def _convert_coords(
    array: Union[xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray], transform: CoordinateTransform
) -> Coordinates:
    """Convert this array's coordinates to those of the coordinate system
    ``transform``. The result will be cached for future reuse.

        The object for which coordinates will be converted.
        The transform describing the coordinate system to which the
        coordiantes will be converted.

    x1 : LabeledArray
        The first spatial coordinate in the new system
    x2 : LabeledArray
        The second spatial coordinate in the new system

    if transform.x1_name not in array.coords or transform.x2_name not in array.coords:
        self_trans: CoordinateTransform = array.attrs["transform"]
        converter = self_trans.get_converter(transform)
        if converter:
            x1, x2 = converter(
            if "R" not in array.coords or "z" not in array.coords:
                R, z = self_trans.convert_to_Rz(
                if "R" not in array.coords:
                    array.coords["R"] = R
                if "z" not in array.coords:
                    array.coords["z"] = z
                R = array.coords["R"]
                z = array.coords["z"]
            x1, x2 = transform.convert_from_Rz(R, z, array.coords["t"])
        if transform.x1_name not in array.coords:
            array.coords[transform.x1_name] = x1
        if transform.x2_name not in array.coords:
            array.coords[transform.x2_name] = x2
    return array.coords[transform.x1_name], array.coords[transform.x2_name]

def _inclusive_timeslice(
    array: XarrayGeneric, t_start: float, t_end: float
) -> XarrayGeneric:
    Returns a view into `array` containing `t_start` and `t_end`.

        The DataArray or Dataset to slice
        The smallest time value to be included
        The largest time value to be included

    View of DataArray containing range t_start and t_end

    low_index, high_index = array.t.searchsorted((t_start, t_end))
    # isel(t=-1) gives last entry, ensure low_index isn't negative:
    low_index = max(low_index - 1, 0)
    high_index = high_index + 1
    return array.isel(t=slice(low_index, high_index))

[docs]@xr.register_dataarray_accessor("indica") class InDiCAArrayAccessor: """Class providing additional functionality to :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` objects which is useful for this software. """ def __init__(self, xarray_obj: xr.DataArray): self._obj = xarray_obj
[docs] def with_Rz_coords(self) -> xr.DataArray: """Returns a DataArray containing this data plus the R-z coordinates of the data. Note: This method relies on default coordinates for conversion to R-z being same as the coordinates used by the DataArray. """ R, z, t = self._obj.attrs["transform"].convert_to_Rz() new_dims = self._obj.dims[1:] new_coords = {k: self._obj.coords[k] for k in new_dims} R_da = xr.DataArray(R, dims=new_dims, coords=new_coords) z_da = xr.DataArray(z, dims=new_dims, coords=new_coords) return self._obj.assign_coords(R=R_da, z=z_da)
[docs] def invert_interp( self, values: ArrayLike, target: str, new_dims: Optional[Union[Tuple[str, ...], str]] = None, coords: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, ArrayLike]] = None, method: InterpOptions = "linear", assume_sorted: bool = False, kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **coords_kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Performs an inversion to give coordinates at which the data has the specified value. Interpolation will be performed with the specified method. This approach is efficient if you need to do the inversion on a large number of values, but **will only work properly if the data is monotonic on the target dimension**. Parameters ---------- values The values of data at which to invert. target The name of the dimension on which the result contains the coordinates at which ``values`` occur. new_dims The name(s) of the new dimensions introduced by inverting with ``values``. Defaults to the name of the original DataArray. If that array does not have a name and a named dimension in ``values`` is equal to ``target`` then this argument is required. coords A mapping from dimension names to new coordinates onto which to interpolate data. New coordinate can be a scalar, array-like or DataArray. If DataArrays are passed as new coordinates, their dimensions are used for the broadcasting. Missing values are skipped. The target dimension **must not be present.** method {“linear”, “nearest”} for multidimensional array, {“linear”, “nearest”, “zero”, “slinear”, “quadratic”, “cubic”} for 1-dimensional array. “linear” is used by default. assume_sorted If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing values. kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to scipy’s interpolator. Valid options and their behavior depend on if 1-dimensional or multi-dimensional interpolation is used. coords_kwargs The keyword arguments form of coords. Returns ------- : A DataArray containing the positions on the ``target`` dimension at which the original DataArray has ``values``, interpolated as necessary. """ def invert_interp_func(data, target_coords, vals): not_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(data)) interp = interp1d(data[not_nan], target_coords[not_nan], method, copy=False) return interp(vals) if coords or coords_kwargs: if (coords and target in coords) or target in coords_kwargs: raise ValueError( f"Target dimension ('{target}') must not be present in coords." ) interpolated = self._obj.interp( coords, method, assume_sorted, kwargs, **coords_kwargs ) else: interpolated = self._obj if not isinstance(values, xr.DataArray): values = xr.DataArray(values) new_dim_names: List[str] if new_dims is None: if values.ndim == 0: new_dim_names = [] value_dims = new_dim_names elif target in values.dims: if is None: raise ValueError("Values must have a name if 'new_dims' is None.") new_dim_names = [ cast(str,, ] value_dims = [ target, ] else: new_dim_names = [] value_dims = new_dim_names elif isinstance(new_dims, str): new_dim_names = [ new_dims, ] value_dims = cast(List, values.dims) else: new_dim_names = list(new_dims) value_dims = cast(List, values.dims) data = xr.apply_ufunc( invert_interp_func, interpolated, interpolated.coords[target], values, input_core_dims=[[target], [target], value_dims], output_core_dims=[new_dim_names], exclude_dims=set(value_dims), vectorize=True, ) = target return data
[docs] def invert_root( self, values: ArrayLike, target: str, guess: Optional[ArrayLike] = None, new_dims: Optional[Union[Tuple[str, ...], str]] = None, coords: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, ArrayLike]] = None, method: InterpOptions = "linear", assume_sorted: bool = False, kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **coords_kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Performs an inversion to give coordinates at which the data has the specified value. Cubic spline interpolation will be performed with the specified method and then the root(s) of the interpolant will be found. If there are multiple roots then a guess must be provided to determine which one to use. Parameters ---------- values The values of data at which to invert. target The name of the dimension on which the result contains the coordinates at which ``values`` occur. guess An estimate of the values being solved for. If there are multiple roots then the one closest to the guess will be used. new_dims The name(s) of the new dimensions introduced by inverting with ``values``. Defaults to the name of the original DataArray. If that array does not have a name and a named dimension in ``values`` is equal to ``target`` then this argument is required. coords A mapping from dimension names to new coordinates onto which to interpolate data. New coordinate can be a scalar, array-like or DataArray. If DataArrays are passed as new coordinates, their dimensions are used for the broadcasting. Missing values are skipped. The target dimension **must not be present.** method {“linear”, “nearest”} for multidimensional array, {“linear”, “nearest”, “zero”, “slinear”, “quadratic”, “cubic”} for 1-dimensional array. “linear” is used by default. Only applies for interpolation onto ``coords``. assume_sorted If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing values. kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to scipy’s interpolator. Valid options and their behavior depend on if 1-dimensional or multi-dimensional interpolation is used. coords_kwargs The keyword arguments form of coords. Returns ------- : A DataArray containing the positions on the ``target`` dimension at which the original DataArray has ``values``, interpolated as necessary. """ def invert_root_func(data, target_coords, value, local_guess): not_nan = np.logical_not(np.isnan(data)) interp = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline( target_coords[not_nan], (data - value)[not_nan], ext=2 ) roots = interp.roots() if len(roots) == 0: start = target_coords.argmin() end = target_coords.argmax() if np.isclose(data[start], value): roots = np.concatenate((roots, [target_coords[start]])) if np.isclose(data[end], value): roots = np.concatenate((roots, [target_coords[end]])) if len(roots) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Provided data is not available at {value}.") elif len(roots) > 1 and guess is None: raise ValueError( "A guess must be provided when there is more than one root." ) i = np.abs(roots - local_guess).argmin() return roots[i] if coords or coords_kwargs: if (coords and target in coords) or target in coords_kwargs: raise ValueError( f"Target dimension ('{target}') must not be present in coords." ) interpolated = self._obj.interp( coords, method, assume_sorted, kwargs, **coords_kwargs ) else: interpolated = self._obj if not isinstance(values, xr.DataArray): values = xr.DataArray(values) new_dim_names: List[str] value_dims: List[str] if new_dims is None: if values.ndim == 0: new_dim_names = [] value_dims = new_dim_names elif target in values.dims: if values.ndim == 1: if is None: raise ValueError( "Values must have a name if 'new_dims' is None." ) new_dim_names = [ cast(str,, ] value_dims = [ target, ] else: raise ValueError( f"Target dimension '{target}' can only be used in `values` " "if `values` is a 1-D array." ) else: new_dim_names = [] value_dims = new_dim_names elif isinstance(new_dims, str): new_dim_names = [ new_dims, ] else: new_dim_names = list(new_dims) # FIXME: Still need to handling of guess dimensions... if isinstance(guess, xr.DataArray) and target in guess.dims: guess_core_dims = [target] else: guess_core_dims = [] if isinstance(values, xr.DataArray): value_dims = [cast(str, dim) for dim in values.dims if dim in new_dim_names] else: value_dims = [] data = xr.apply_ufunc( invert_root_func, interpolated, interpolated.coords[target], values, 0.0 if guess is None else guess, input_core_dims=[[target], [target], value_dims, guess_core_dims], output_core_dims=[new_dim_names], exclude_dims=set((target,)), vectorize=True, ) = target return data
@staticmethod def _get_unlabeled_interpolation_1d( assume_sorted: bool, degree: int ) -> Callable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike, ArrayLike, Optional[ArrayLike]], ArrayLike]: def interpolate_1d(x, z, x_interp, x_zero): if assume_sorted and x_zero is None: interpolant = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x, z, k=degree) domain = (x[0], x[-1]) else: if x_zero is not None and x_zero not in x: x = np.append(x, x_zero) z = np.append(z, 0.0) order = np.argsort(x) interpolant = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x[order], z[order], k=degree) domain = (x[order[0]], x[order[-1]]) result = interpolant(x_interp) result[np.logical_or(x_interp < domain[0], x_interp > domain[1])] = float( "nan" ) return result return interpolate_1d @staticmethod def _get_unlabeled_interpolation_2d( assume_sorted: bool, degree: int ) -> Callable[ [ ArrayLike, ArrayLike, ArrayLike, ArrayLike, ArrayLike, Optional[ArrayLike], Optional[ArrayLike], ], ArrayLike, ]: def interpolate_2d(x, y, z, x_interp, y_interp, x_zero, y_zero): if assume_sorted: interpolant = RectBivariateSpline(x, y, z, kx=degree, ky=degree) result = interpolant(x_interp, y_interp) domain = ((x[0], x[-1]), (y[0], y[-1])) else: xorder = np.argsort(x) yorder = np.argsort(y) z_ordered = np.take(np.take(z, xorder, 0), yorder, 1) interpolant = RectBivariateSpline( np.take(x, xorder), np.take(y, yorder), z_ordered, kx=degree, ky=degree, ) new_xorder = np.argsort(x_interp) new_yorder = np.argsort(y_interp) vals = interpolant( np.take(x_interp, new_xorder), np.take(y_interp, new_yorder), ).T vals2 = np.empty_like(vals) result = np.empty_like(vals) np.put(vals2, new_xorder, vals, 1) np.put(result, new_yorder, vals2, 0) domain = ((x[xorder[0]], x[xorder[-1]]), (y[yorder[0]], y[yorder[-1]])) if ( x_zero is not None and y_zero is not None and (x_zero not in x or y_zero not in y) ): x_offsets = x - x_zero y_offsets = y - y_zero x_below_zero_i = np.argmax( np.where(x_offsets < 0, x_offsets, float("-inf")) ) x_above_zero_i = np.argmin( np.where(x_offsets > 0, x_offsets, float("inf")) ) y_below_zero_i = np.argmax( np.where(y_offsets < 0, y_offsets, float("-inf")) ) y_above_zero_i = np.argmin( np.where(y_offsets > 0, y_offsets, float("inf")) ) x_below_zero = x[x_below_zero_i] x_above_zero = x[x_above_zero_i] y_below_zero = y[y_below_zero_i] y_above_zero = y[y_above_zero_i] xmask = np.logical_and( x_interp >= x_below_zero, x_interp <= x_above_zero ) ymask = np.logical_and( y_interp >= y_below_zero, y_interp <= y_above_zero ) if isinstance(xmask, np.ndarray) and isinstance(ymask, np.ndarray): xmask = np.expand_dims(xmask, 1) x_interp = np.expand_dims(x_interp, 1) mask = np.logical_and(xmask, ymask) if np.any(mask): interpolant = CloughTocher2DInterpolator( np.array( [ [x_below_zero, y_below_zero], [x_below_zero, y_above_zero], [x_above_zero, y_below_zero], [x_above_zero, y_above_zero], [x_zero, y_zero], ] ), np.array( [ z[x_below_zero_i, y_below_zero_i], z[x_below_zero_i, y_above_zero_i], z[x_above_zero_i, y_below_zero_i], z[x_above_zero_i, y_above_zero_i], 0.0, ] ), ) xx_interp, yy_interp = np.broadcast_arrays(x_interp, y_interp) result[mask] = interpolant( np.stack([xx_interp[mask], yy_interp[mask]], axis=-1) ) out_of_domain = np.logical_or( np.logical_or(x_interp < domain[0][0], x_interp > domain[0][1]), np.logical_or(y_interp < domain[1][0], y_interp > domain[1][1]), ) result[out_of_domain] = float("nan") return result return interpolate_2d
[docs] def interp2d( self, coords: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, ArrayLike]] = None, zero_coords: Optional[Mapping[Hashable, ArrayLike]] = None, method: Union[str, int] = "linear", assume_sorted: bool = False, **coords_kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Performs interpolation along two dimensions simultatiously. Unlike :py:meth:`xarray.DataArray.interp`, this routine supports higher-order interpolation than linear by usinmg :py:func:`scipy.interpolate.RectBivariateSpline` (although with potentially-inefficient vectorisation). All options are the same as in the xarray method. However, interpolation will not be performed on any of the non-dimensional coordinates, unlike in the xarray method. Parameters ---------- coords A mapping from dimension names to new coordinates onto which to interpolate data. New coordinate can be a scalar, array-like or DataArray. If DataArrays are passed as new coordinates, their dimensions are used for the broadcasting. Missing values are skipped. zero_coords Coordinates for any points where the data is known to be equal to zero but which are not captured by the grid. method A string {“linear”, “nearest”, “quadratic”, “cubic”} or an integer indicating the degree of the splines. assume_sorted If False, values of coordinates that are interpolated over can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, interpolated coordinates are assumed to be an array of monotonically increasing values. coords_kwargs The keyword arguments form of coords. Returns ------- : A DataArray containing the positions on the ``target`` dimension at which the original DataArray has ``values``, interpolated as necessary. """ METHODS = {"nearest": 0, "linear": 1, "quadratic": 2, "cubic": 3} if isinstance(method, str): degree = METHODS[method] else: degree = method _coords = either_dict_or_kwargs(coords, coords_kwargs, "indica.interp2d") if len(_coords) > 2: raise ValueError("Must not pass more than 2 coordinates to interp2d.") if zero_coords and len(zero_coords) != len(_coords): raise ValueError( "Argument zero_coords must contain the same number of entries " "as coordinates on which interpolation is being performed." ) ordered_coords: List[Tuple[str, Union[xr.DataArray, Number]]] = [] output_core: List[str] = [] interp_core: List[List[str]] = [] rename_dims: Dict[str, str] = {} ordered_zero_coords: List[ArrayLike] = [] for k, v in _coords.items(): if isinstance(v, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): new_dim = "__new_" + cast(str, k) ordered_coords.append((cast(str, k), xr.DataArray(v, dims=new_dim))) output_core.append(new_dim) interp_core.append([new_dim]) rename_dims[new_dim] = cast(str, k) elif isinstance(v, xr.DataArray): if k in v.dims: new_dim = "__new_" + cast(str, k) interp_core.append([new_dim]) rename_dims[new_dim] = cast(str, k) if new_dim not in output_core: output_core.append(new_dim) ordered_coords.append((cast(str, k), v.rename({k: new_dim}))) else: interp_core.append([]) ordered_coords.append((cast(str, k), v)) else: # Not really sure what mypy is complaining about here. ordered_coords.append((k, v)) # type: ignore # mypy doesn't allow empty append. output_core.append([]) # type: ignore if zero_coords: ordered_zero_coords.append(zero_coords[k]) else: ordered_zero_coords.append(None) # type: ignore if len(_coords) > 1: input_core: List[List[str]] = [ [ordered_coords[0][0]], [ordered_coords[1][0]], list(cast(Mapping[str, Any], _coords)), ] result = xr.apply_ufunc( self._get_unlabeled_interpolation_2d(assume_sorted, degree), self._obj.coords[ordered_coords[0][0]], self._obj.coords[ordered_coords[1][0]], self._obj, ordered_coords[0][1], ordered_coords[1][1], ordered_zero_coords[0], ordered_zero_coords[1], input_core_dims=input_core + interp_core + cast(List[List[str]], [[], []]), output_core_dims=[output_core], exclude_dims=set(_coords), vectorize=True, ) else: input_core = [ [ordered_coords[0][0]], list(cast(Mapping[str, Any], _coords)), ] result = xr.apply_ufunc( self._get_unlabeled_interpolation_1d(assume_sorted, degree), self._obj.coords[ordered_coords[0][0]], self._obj, ordered_coords[0][1], ordered_zero_coords[0], input_core_dims=input_core + interp_core + cast(List[List[str]], [[]]), output_core_dims=[output_core], exclude_dims=set(_coords), vectorize=True, ) if len(rename_dims) > 0: result = result.rename(rename_dims) for name, coord in ordered_coords: if name not in result.coords: result.coords[name] = coord return result
[docs] def convert_coords(self, transform: CoordinateTransform) -> Coordinates: """Convert this array's coordinates to those of the coordinate system ``transform``. The result will be cached for future reuse. Parameters ---------- transform The transform describing the coordinate system to which the coordiantes will be converted. Returns ------- x1 : LabeledArray The first spatial coordinate in the new system x2 : LabeledArray The second spatial coordinate in the new system """ return _convert_coords(self._obj, transform)
[docs] def get_coords( self, transform: Optional[CoordinateTransform] = None ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Get this array's coordinates, including time, in the coordinate system ``transform``. The result will be cached for future reuse. Parameters ---------- transform The transform describing the coordinate system to which the coordiantes will be converted. Returns ------- x1 : LabeledArray The first spatial coordinate in the new system x2 : LabeledArray The second spatial coordinate in the new system t : LabeledArray The time coordinate """ if transform is None: transform = self._obj.attrs["transform"] return self.convert_coords(transform) + (self._obj.coords["t"],)
[docs] def remap_like(self, other: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Remap and interpolate the data in this array onto a new coordinate system. Parameters ---------- other An array whose coordinate system will be mapped onto. Returns ------- : An array representing the same data as this one, but interpolated so that it is on the coordinate system of ``other``. """ transform: CoordinateTransform = self._obj.attrs["transform"] x1, x2, t = other.indica.get_coords(transform) new_coords: Dict[Hashable, LabeledArray] = {} if transform.x1_name in self._obj.dims: new_coords[transform.x1_name] = x1 if transform.x2_name in self._obj.dims: new_coords[transform.x2_name] = x2 result = self.interp2d(new_coords, method="linear") if new_coords else self._obj if "t" in self._obj.dims: result = result.interp(t=t, method="linear") return result
[docs] def check_datatype(self, data_type: ArrayType) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """Checks that the data type of this :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` matches the argument. Parameters ---------- data_type The datatype to check this array against. Returns ------- status Whether the datatype of this array matches the argument. message If ``status == False``, an explanation of why. """ return NotImplementedError # type: ignore
def _update_prov_for_equilibrium( self, value: Equilibrium, start_time: datetime.datetime =, ): """Set the provenance of this object to include the new equilibrium value.""" partial_prov = self._obj.attrs["partial_provenance"] hash_id = session.hash_vals( data=partial_prov.identifier.localpart, equilibrium=value.prov_id ) new_prov = value._session.prov.collection(hash_id) new_prov.hadMember(partial_prov) new_prov.hadMember(value.provenance) self._obj.attrs["provenance"] = new_prov end_time = activity_id = session.hash_vals(agent=value._session.agent, date=end_time) activity = value._session.prov.activity( activity_id, start_time, end_time, {prov.PROV_TYPE: "SetEquilibrium"} ) activity.wasAssociatedWith(value._session.agent) activity.wasInformedBy(value._session.session) new_prov.wasGeneratedBy(activity, end_time) new_prov.wasAttributedTo(value._session.agent) @property def equilibrium(self) -> Optional[Equilibrium]: """The equilibrium object currently used by this DataArray (or, more accurately, by its :py:class:`~indica.converters.CoordinateTransform` object). When setting or deleting this porperty, ensures provenance will be updated accordingly. """ if "transform" in self._obj.attrs: return getattr(self._obj.attrs["transform"], "equilibrium", None) else: return None @equilibrium.setter def equilibrium(self, value: Equilibrium): if value == self.equilibrium: return start_time = self._obj.attrs["transform"].set_equilibrium(value) if "partial_provenance" in self._obj.attrs: self._update_prov_for_equilibrium(value, start_time) @equilibrium.deleter def equilibrium(self): if hasattr(self._obj.attrs["transform"], "equilibrium"): del self._obj.attrs["transform"].equilibrium if "provenance" in self._obj.attrs: self._obj.attrs["provenance"] = self._obj.attrs["partial_provenance"] @property def with_ignored_data(self) -> xr.DataArray: """The full version of this data, including the channels which were dropped at read-in. """ if "dropped" in self._obj.attrs: ddim = self.drop_dim dropped = self._obj.attrs["dropped"] result = self._obj.copy() result.loc[{ddim: dropped.coords[ddim]}] = dropped if "error" in self._obj.attrs: result.attrs["error"] = result.attrs["error"].copy() result.attrs["error"].loc[{ddim: dropped.coords[ddim]}] = dropped.attrs[ "error" ] del result.attrs["dropped"] return result else: return self._obj @property def drop_dim(self) -> Optional[str]: """The dimension, if any, which contains dropped channels.""" if "dropped" in self._obj.attrs: return str( next( filterfalse( lambda dim: self._obj.coords[dim].equals( self._obj.attrs["dropped"].coords[dim] ), self._obj.dims, ) ) ) return None
[docs] def ignore_data(self, labels: OnlyArray, dimension: str) -> xr.DataArray: """Create a copy of this array which masks the specified data. Parameters ---------- labels The channel labels for which data should be ignored. dimension The name of the dimension the labels are along Returns ------- : A copy of this object, but with data for the specified labels along the specified dimension marked as NaN. """ if len(labels) == 0: return self._obj ddim = self.drop_dim if ddim and ddim != dimension: raise ValueError( f"Can not not ignore data along dimension {dimension}; channels " f"have already been ignored in dimension {ddim}." ) elif dimension not in self._obj.dims: raise ValueError(f"Dimension {dimension} not present in data array.") if ddim: unique_labels = list( filter( lambda l: l not in self._obj.attrs["dropped"].coords[dimension], labels, ) ) else: # mypy doesn't understand conditionals apparently. unique_labels = labels # type: ignore if len(unique_labels) == 0: return self._obj result = self._obj.copy() result.loc[{dimension: unique_labels}] = float("nan") result.attrs["dropped"] = self._obj.loc[{dimension: unique_labels}] if "error" in result.attrs: result.attrs["error"] = result.attrs["error"].copy() result.attrs["dropped"].attrs = {} if "dropped" in self._obj.attrs: result.attrs["dropped"] = xr.concat( [self._obj.attrs["dropped"], result.attrs["dropped"]], dim=dimension ) if "error" in self._obj.attrs: result.attrs["error"].loc[{dimension: unique_labels}] = float("nan") result.attrs["dropped"].attrs["error"] = self._obj.attrs["error"].loc[ {dimension: unique_labels} ] result.attrs["dropped"].attrs["error"].attrs = {} if "dropped" in self._obj.attrs: result.attrs["dropped"].attrs["error"] = xr.concat( [ self._obj.attrs["dropped"].attrs["error"], result.attrs["dropped"].attrs["error"], ], dim=dimension, ) return result
[docs] def inclusive_timeslice(self, t_start: float, t_end: float) -> xr.DataArray: """ Returns a view into this :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` containing `t_start` and `t_end`. Parameters ---------- t_start The smallest time value to be included t_end The largest time value to be included Returns ------- View of DataArray containing range t_start and t_end """ return _inclusive_timeslice(self._obj, t_start, t_end)
[docs]@xr.register_dataset_accessor("indica") class InDiCADatasetAccessor: """Class providing additional functionality to :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` objects which is useful for this software. """ def __init__(self, xarray_obj: xr.Dataset): self._obj = xarray_obj
[docs] def convert_coords(self, transform: CoordinateTransform) -> Coordinates: """Convert this dataset's coordinates to those of the coordinate system ``transform``. The result will be cached for future reuse. Parameters ---------- transform The transform describing the coordinate system to which the coordiantes will be converted. Returns ------- x1 : LabeledArray The first spatial coordinate in the new system x2 : LabeledArray The second spatial coordinate in the new system """ return _convert_coords(self._obj, transform)
[docs] def get_coords( self, transform: Optional[CoordinateTransform] = None ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Get this dataset's coordinates, including time, in the coordinate system ``transform``. The result will be cached for future reuse. Parameters ---------- transform The transform describing the coordinate system to which the coordiantes will be converted. Returns ------- x1 : LabeledArray The first spatial coordinate in the new system x2 : LabeledArray The second spatial coordinate in the new system t : LabeledArray The time coordinate """ if transform is None: transform = self._obj.attrs["transform"] return self.convert_coords(transform) + (self._obj.coords["t"],)
[docs] def attach( self, key: str, array: xr.DataArray, overwrite: bool = False, sess: session.Session = session.global_session, ): """Adds an additional :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` to this :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`. This dataset must be used for aggregating data with the same specific datatype (see :py:data:`SPECIFIC_DATATYPES`). It will update the metadata (datatype and provenance) to ensure the new DataArray is correctly included. If there is already an item with that key then it will raise an exception (unless the value is the same). This behaviour can be overridden with the `overwrite` argument. This function will fail if the specific datatype for ``array`` differs from that for this Dataset. It will also fail if the dimensions of ``array`` differ from those of the Dataset. Parameters ---------- key The label which will map to the new data array The data to be added to this :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` overwrite If ``True`` and ``key`` already exists in this Dataset then overwrite the old value. Otherwise raise an error. sess An object representing the session being run. Contains information such as provenance data. """ start_time = if key in self._obj.data_vars and not overwrite: raise ValueError( f"Dataset already contains a variable associated with key '{key}'." ) if key in self._obj.coords: raise ValueError(f"Key '{key}' corresponds to a coordinate in the dataset.") if ( array.attrs["transform"] != next(iter(self._obj.data_vars.values())).attrs["transform"] ): raise ValueError( "The array's transform object differs from that of the dataset." ) expected_dt = next(iter(self._obj.data_vars.values())).attrs["datatype"][1] actual_dt = array.attrs["datatype"][1] if actual_dt != expected_dt: raise ValueError( f"Array's specific datatype ('{actual_dt}') differs from dataset's " f"('{expected_dt}')." ) self._obj[key] = array old_prov = self._obj.attrs["provenance"] array_prov = array.attrs["provenance"] hash_id = session.hash_vals( dataset=old_prov.identifier.localpart, array=array_prov.identifier.localpart ) new_prov = sess.prov.collection(hash_id) for data in self._obj.data_vars.values(): new_prov.hadMember(data.attrs["provenance"]) self._obj.attrs["provenance"] = new_prov end_time = activity_id = session.hash_vals(agent=sess.agent, date=end_time) activity = sess.prov.activity( activity_id, start_time, end_time, {prov.PROV_TYPE: "AddToDataset"} ) activity.wasAssociatedWith(sess.agent) activity.wasInformedBy(sess.session) new_prov.wasGeneratedBy(activity, end_time) new_prov.wasAttributedTo(sess.agent) new_prov.wasDerivedFrom(old_prov) new_prov.wasDerivedFrom(array_prov) activity.used(old_prov) activity.used(array_prov)
@property def datatype(self) -> DatasetType: """A structure describing the data contained within this Dataset.""" return ( next(iter(self._obj.data_vars.values())).attrs["datatype"][1], {str(k): v.attrs["datatype"][0] for k, v in self._obj.data_vars.items()}, )
[docs] def check_datatype(self, datatype: DatasetType) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]: """ Checks that the data type of this :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` matches the argument. This checks that all of the key/value pairs present in ``datatype`` match those in this Dataset. It will still return ``True`` even if there are _additional_ members of this dataset not included in ``datatype``. Parameters ---------- datatype The datatype to check this Dataset against. Returns ------- status Whether the datatype of this array matches the argument. message If ``status == False``, an explanation of why. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def inclusive_timeslice(self, t_start: float, t_end: float) -> xr.Dataset: """ Returns a view into this :py:class:`xarray.Dataset` containing `t_start` and `t_end`. Parameters ---------- t_start The smallest time value to be included t_end The largest time value to be included Returns ------- View of Dataset containing range t_start and t_end """ return _inclusive_timeslice(self._obj, t_start, t_end)
[docs]def aggregate( sess: session.Session = session.global_session, **kwargs: xr.DataArray ) -> xr.Dataset: """Combines the key-value pairs in ``kwargs`` into a Dataset, performing various checks. In order for this to succeed, the following must hold: - All arguments must have the same specific datatype (see :py:data:`SPECIFIC_DATATYPES`). - All arguments must use the same coordinate system (though not all of them need to use all of the coordinates). - All arguments must use the same :py:class`CoordinateTransform` object - All arguments need to store data on the same grid (always the case for datasets) In addition to performing these checks, this function will create the correct provenance. .. warning:: This should not be used for assembling results of an :py:class:`~indica.operators.Operator`, as it will not provide the necessary derivation provenance. Parameters ---------- sess An object representing the session being run. Contains information such as provenance data. kwargs The DataArrays to be combined into a dataset. """ if len(kwargs) == 0: raise ValueError("Can not create empty dataset.") start_time = first_key = next(iter(kwargs)) first_val = kwargs[first_key] specific_type = first_val.attrs["datatype"][1] for k, v in kwargs.items(): dt = v.attrs["datatype"] if dt[1] != specific_type: raise ValueError( f"Item '{k}' has specific datatype '{dt}', which differs from " f" that of item '{first_key}' ('{specific_type}')" ) if v.attrs["transform"] != first_val.attrs["transform"]: raise ValueError( f"Item '{k}' has different transform class than item '{first_key}'" ) dataset = xr.Dataset( cast(Dict[Hashable, xr.DataArray], kwargs), attrs={"transform": first_val.attrs["transform"]}, ) hash_id = session.hash_vals( **{k: v.attrs["provenance"].identifier.localpart for k, v in kwargs.items()}, ) new_prov = sess.prov.collection(hash_id) for data in kwargs.values(): new_prov.hadMember(data.attrs["provenance"]) dataset.attrs["provenance"] = new_prov end_time = activity_id = session.hash_vals(agent=sess.agent, date=end_time) activity = sess.prov.activity( activity_id, start_time, end_time, {prov.PROV_TYPE: "CreateDataset"} ) activity.wasAssociatedWith(sess.agent) activity.wasInformedBy(sess.session) new_prov.wasGeneratedBy(activity, end_time) new_prov.wasAttributedTo(sess.agent) return dataset