Source code for indica.equilibrium

"""Contains an abstract base class for reading equilibrium data for a pulse.

import datetime
from typing import Any
from typing import cast
from typing import Dict
from typing import Hashable
from typing import Literal
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
import prov.model as prov
from scipy.integrate import trapz
from xarray import apply_ufunc
from xarray import concat
from xarray import DataArray
from xarray import where

from . import session
from .abstract_equilibrium import AbstractEquilibrium
from .numpy_typing import LabeledArray
from .offset import interactive_offset_choice
from .offset import OffsetPicker
from .operators import SplineFit
from .utilities import coord_array

_FLUX_TYPES = ["poloidal", "toroidal"]

[docs]class Equilibrium(AbstractEquilibrium): """Class to hold and interpolate equilibrium data. At instantiation it will require calibration to select an offset along the major radius. Electron temperature data is provided for this purpose. Once calibrated, the electron temperature at normalised flux surface rho = 1 should be about 100eV. Parameters ---------- equilibrium_data : Dict[str, DataArray] A collection of equilibrium data rea in using :py:meth:`~indica.readers.DataReader.get_equilibrium`. TODO: List full set of required quantities. T_e : Optional[DataArray] Electron temperature data (from HRTS on JET). If present, used to compute an offset of the equilibrium along the major radius. R_shift : float How much to shift the equilibrium profile inwards on the major radius. Ignored if `T_e` is also passed as an argument. z_shift : flaot How much to shift the equilibrium profile downwards in the vertical coordinate. sess : session.Session An object representing the session being run. Contains information such as provenance data. offset_picker: OffsetPicker A callback which determines by how much to offset the equilibrium data along the major radius. Allows the user to select this interactively. """ def __init__( self, equilibrium_data: Dict[str, DataArray], T_e: Optional[DataArray] = None, R_shift: float = 0.0, z_shift: float = 0.0, sess: session.Session = session.global_session, offset_picker: OffsetPicker = interactive_offset_choice, ): self._session = sess self.f = equilibrium_data["f"] self.faxs = equilibrium_data["faxs"] self.fbnd = equilibrium_data["fbnd"] self.ftor = equilibrium_data["ftor"] self.rhotor = ( (self.ftor - self.ftor.sel(rho_poloidal=0.0)) / (self.ftor.sel(rho_poloidal=1.0) - self.ftor.sel(rho_poloidal=0.0)) ) ** 0.5 self.rmji = equilibrium_data["rmji"] self.rmjo = equilibrium_data["rmjo"] self.psi = equilibrium_data["psi"] self.rho = ((self.psi - self.faxs) / (self.fbnd - self.faxs)) ** 0.5 self.vjac = equilibrium_data["vjac"] self.rmag = equilibrium_data["rmag"] self.rbnd = equilibrium_data["rbnd"] self.zmag = equilibrium_data["zmag"] self.zbnd = equilibrium_data["zbnd"] self.zx = self.zbnd.min("arbitrary_index") if T_e is not None: offsets = coord_array(np.linspace(0.0, 0.04, 9), "offset") t = T_e.coords["t"].assign_attrs(datatype=("time", "plasma")) separatrix = DataArray(1.0, attrs={"datatype": ("norm_flux_pol", "plasma")}) separatrix.coords["norm_flux_pol"] = 1.0 Rmag = self.rmag.interp(t=T_e.coords["t"], method="nearest") - offsets zmag = self.zmag.interp(t=T_e.coords["t"], method="nearest") - z_shift rhos = concat( [ self.rho.interp(t=t, method="nearest").indica.interp2d( R=T_e.coords["index"] - offset, z=T_e.coords["index_z_offset"] - z_shift, zero_coords={ "R": Rmag.sel(offset=offset), "z": zmag, }, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) for offset in offsets ], offsets, ) thetas = np.arctan2( T_e.coords["index_z_offset"] + z_shift - zmag, T_e.coords["index"] + offsets - Rmag, ) T_e_with_rho = T_e.expand_dims( cast(Dict[Hashable, Any], {"offset": offsets}) ).assign_coords(rho_poloidal=rhos, theta=thetas) fitter = SplineFit(lower_bound=0.0, sess=sess) T_e_sep = concat( [ fitter(separatrix, t, T_e_with_rho.sel(offset=offset))[0] for offset in offsets ], offsets, ) square_residuals = (T_e_sep - 100.0) ** 2 best_fits = square_residuals.offset[square_residuals.argmin(dim="offset")] overall_best = best_fits.mean() fluxes = rhos.sel(offset=overall_best, method="nearest") offset = float(fluxes.offset) offset, accept = offset_picker(offset, T_e, fluxes, best_fits) while not accept: fluxes = self.rho.interp( t=T_e.coords["t"], method="nearest" ).indica.interp2d( R=T_e.coords["index"] - offset, z=T_e.coords["index_z_offset"] - z_shift, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) offset, accept = offset_picker(offset, T_e, fluxes, best_fits) self.R_offset = offset else: self.R_offset = R_shift self.z_offset = z_shift self.Rmin = min(self.rho.coords["R"]) self.Rmax = max(self.rho.coords["R"]) self.zmin = min(self.rho.coords["z"]) self.zmax = max(self.rho.coords["z"]) self.corner_angles = [ np.arctan2(self.zmin - self.zmag, self.Rmax - self.rmag) % (2 * np.pi), np.arctan2(self.zmax - self.zmag, self.Rmax - self.rmag) % (2 * np.pi), np.arctan2(self.zmax - self.zmag, self.Rmin - self.rmag) % (2 * np.pi), np.arctan2(self.zmin - self.zmag, self.Rmin - self.rmag) % (2 * np.pi), ] self.prov_id = session.hash_vals( **equilibrium_data, R_offset=self.R_offset, z_offset=self.z_offset ) self.provenance = sess.prov.entity( self.prov_id, { prov.PROV_TYPE: "Equilibrium", "R_offset": self.R_offset, "z_offset": self.z_offset, }, ) sess.prov.generation( self.provenance, sess.session, ) sess.prov.attribution(self.provenance, sess.agent) for val in equilibrium_data.values(): if "provenance" in val.attrs: self.provenance.wasDerivedFrom(val.attrs["provenance"]) if (T_e is not None) and ("provenance" in T_e.attrs): self.provenance.wasDerivedFrom(T_e.attrs["provenance"])
[docs] def Btot( self, R: LabeledArray, z: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Total magnetic field strength at this location in space. Parameters ---------- R Major radius position at which to get magnetic field strength. z The vertial position at which to get the magnetic field strength. t Times at which to get the magnetic field strength. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. Returns ------- Btot Total magnetic field strength at the given location and times. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if t is not None: interp1d_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear" if (isinstance(t, DataArray) or isinstance(t, np.ndarray)) and ( t.shape[0] > 1 ): if t.shape[0] > 3: interp1d_method = "cubic" psi = self.psi.interp(t=t, method=interp1d_method, assume_sorted=True) f = self.f.interp(t=t, method=interp1d_method, assume_sorted=True) rho_, theta_, _ = self.flux_coords(R, z, t) else: t = self.rho.coords["t"] psi = self.psi f = self.f rho_, theta_, _ = self.flux_coords(R, z) dpsi_dR = psi.differentiate("R").indica.interp2d( R=R, z=z, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) dpsi_dz = psi.differentiate("z").indica.interp2d( R=R, z=z, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) # Components of poloidal field b_R = -(np.float64(1.0) / R) * dpsi_dz # type: ignore b_z = (np.float64(1.0) / R) * dpsi_dR # type: ignore b_Pol = np.sqrt(b_R ** np.float64(2.0) + b_z ** np.float64(2.0)) # Need this as the current flux_coords function # returns some negative values for rho rho_ = where( rho_ > np.float64(0.0), rho_, np.float64(-1.0) * rho_ # type: ignore ) f = f.indica.interp2d( rho_poloidal=rho_, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) = # Toroidal field b_T = f / R b_Tot = np.sqrt(b_Pol ** np.float64(2.0) + b_T ** np.float64(2.0)) = "Total Magnetic Field (T)" return b_Tot, t
[docs] def R_lfs( self, rho: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Major radius position of the given flux surface on the Low Flux Side of the magnetic axis. Parameters ---------- rho Flux values for the locations. t Times at which to get the major radius. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- R_lfs Major radius on the LFS for the given flux surfaces. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if t is None: rmjo = self.rmjo t = self.rmjo.coords["t"] rho, _ = self.convert_flux_coords(rho, t, kind, "poloidal") R = rmjo.indica.interp2d(rho_poloidal=rho, method="cubic") - self.R_offset else: rmjo = self.rmjo.interp(t=t, method="nearest") rho, _ = self.convert_flux_coords(rho, t, kind, "poloidal") R = rmjo.interp(rho_poloidal=rho, method="cubic") - self.R_offset return R, t
[docs] def R_hfs( self, rho: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Major radius position of the given flux surface on the High Flux Side of the magnetic axis. Parameters ---------- rho Flux values for the locations. t Times at which to get the major radius. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- R_hfs Major radius on the HFS for the given flux surfaces. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if t is None: rmji = self.rmji t = self.rmji.coords["t"] else: rmji = self.rmji.interp(t=t, method="nearest") rho, _ = self.convert_flux_coords(rho, t, kind, "poloidal") try: R = rmji.interp(rho_poloidal=rho, method="cubic") - self.R_offset except ValueError: R = rmji.indica.interp2d(rho_poloidal=rho, method="cubic") - self.R_offset return R, t
[docs] def cross_sectional_area( self, rho: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, ntheta: int = 12, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[DataArray, LabeledArray]: """Calculates the cross-sectional area inside the flux surface rho and at given time t. Parameters ---------- rho Values of rho at which to calculate the cross-sectional area. t Values of time at which to calculate the cross-sectional area. ntheta Number subdivisions of 2 * pi to integrate over for the cross- sectional area. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- area Cross-sectional areas calculated at rho and t. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if t is None: t = self.rho.coords["t"] if np.isscalar(rho): rho = np.array([rho]) if np.isscalar(t): t = np.array([t]) theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, ntheta) # Reassignment to a different type is not recognised by mypy. theta = DataArray( # type: ignore data=theta, coords={"theta": theta}, dims=[ "theta", ], ) minor_radii = np.empty(ntheta, dtype=DataArray) for i, itheta in enumerate(theta): minor_radii[i], _ = self.minor_radius(rho, itheta, t, kind) # This sets minor_radii to zero in the rho positions (in the minor_radii array) # where the rho value is below the precision possible through # the trapz() function. zero_check = np.where(rho < 1e-18)[0] if zero_check.size > 0: for i in zero_check: for k, itheta in enumerate(theta): minor_radii[k][:, i] = np.zeros(minor_radii[k][:, i].shape) minor_radii = minor_radii**2 minor_radii = minor_radii * 0.5 area = trapz(minor_radii, theta, axis=0) result = DataArray( data=area, coords=[("t", np.array(t)), ("rho_poloidal", np.array(rho))], dims=["t", "rho_poloidal"], ) return ( result, cast(LabeledArray, t), )
[docs] def enclosed_volume( self, rho: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[DataArray, DataArray, LabeledArray]: """Returns the volume enclosed by the specified flux surface. Parameters ---------- rho Flux surfaces to get the enclosed volumes for. t Times at which to get the enclosed volume. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- vol Volumes of space enclosed by the flux surfaces. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if t is None: t = self.rho.coords["t"] interp1d_method: Literal["linear", "cubic"] = "linear" if (isinstance(t, DataArray) or isinstance(t, np.ndarray)) and (t.shape[0] > 1): if t.shape[0] > 3: interp1d_method = "cubic" major_radius_axis = self.rmag.interp( t=t, method=interp1d_method, assume_sorted=True, ) # Cross-sectional area calculated by integrating: # 0.5 * minor_radius(theta) ** 2 with respect to theta from 0 to 2 * np.pi area_arr, _ = self.cross_sectional_area(rho, t, kind=kind) # Vol = area * toroidal circumference measure at the magnetic axis vol_enclosed = area_arr * 2 * np.pi * major_radius_axis = "Enclosed volumes (m^3)" return vol_enclosed, area_arr, t
[docs] def invert_enclosed_volume( self, vol: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Returns the value of the flux surface enclosing the specified volume. Parameters ---------- vol Volumes of space enclosed by the flux surfaces. t Times at which to get the enclosed volume. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- rho Flux surfaces for the enclosed volumes. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ raise NotImplementedError( "{} does not implement an 'invert_enclosed_volume' " "method.".format(self.__class__.__name__) )
[docs] def minor_radius( self, rho: LabeledArray, theta: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[DataArray, LabeledArray]: """Minor radius at the given locations in the tokamak. Parameters ---------- rho Flux surfaces on which the locations fall. theta Poloidal positions on which the locations fall. t Times at which to get the minor radius. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- minor_radius Minor radius of the locations. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ ngrid = 100 rho, _ = self.convert_flux_coords(rho, t, kind, "poloidal") theta = theta % (2 * np.pi) if t is not None: corner_angles = [ angle.interp(t=t, method="nearest") for angle in self.corner_angles ] R0 = self.rmag.interp(t=t, method="nearest") z0 = self.zmag.interp(t=t, method="nearest") reference_rhos = self.rho.interp(t=t, method="nearest") = else: corner_angles = self.corner_angles R0 = self.rmag z0 = self.zmag reference_rhos = self.rho t = self.rho.coords["t"] minor_rad_max = apply_ufunc( lambda angle, corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4, R0, z0: (self.Rmax - R0) / np.cos(angle) if angle > corner1 or angle <= corner2 else (self.zmax - z0) / np.sin(angle) if corner2 < angle <= corner3 else (self.Rmin - R0) / np.cos(angle) if corner3 < angle <= corner4 else (self.zmin - z0) / np.sin(angle), theta, corner_angles[0], corner_angles[1], corner_angles[2], corner_angles[3], R0, z0, vectorize=True, ) minor_rads = DataArray( np.linspace(0.0, minor_rad_max, ngrid), dims=("r",) + minor_rad_max.dims, coords=minor_rad_max.coords, ) R_grid = R0 + minor_rads * np.cos(theta) z_grid = z0 + minor_rads * np.sin(theta) fluxes_samples = reference_rhos.indica.interp2d( R=R_grid, z=z_grid, zero_coords={"R": R0, "z": z0}, method="linear", assume_sorted=True, ).rename("rho_" + kind) fluxes_samples.loc[{"r": 0}] = 0.0 indices = fluxes_samples.indica.invert_root(rho, "r", 0.0, method="linear") return ( minor_rads.indica.interp2d(r=indices, method="linear", assume_sorted=True), t, )
[docs] def flux_coords( self, R: LabeledArray, z: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Convert to the flux surface coordinate system. Parameters ---------- R Major radius positions. z Vertical positions. t Times for conversions. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- rho Flux surface for each position. theta Poloidal angle along flux surfaces. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if t is not None: rho = self.rho.interp(t=t, method="nearest") R_ax = self.rmag.interp(t=t, method="nearest") z_ax = self.zmag.interp(t=t, method="nearest") z_x_point = self.zx.interp(t=t, method="nearest") t = t else: rho = self.rho R_ax = self.rmag z_ax = self.zmag t = self.rho.coords["t"] z_x_point = self.zx rho_interp = rho.indica.interp2d( R=R + self.R_offset, z=z + self.z_offset, zero_coords={"R": R_ax, "z": z_ax}, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) # Correct for any interpolation errors resulting in negative fluxes rho_interp = where( np.logical_and(rho_interp < 0.0, rho_interp > -1e-12), 0.0, rho_interp ) theta = np.arctan2( z + cast(np.ndarray, self.z_offset) - z_ax, R + cast(np.ndarray, self.R_offset) - R_ax, ) if kind != "poloidal": rho_interp, t = self.convert_flux_coords(rho_interp, t, "poloidal", kind) # Set rho to be negative in the private flux region rho_interp = where( np.logical_and(rho_interp < 1.0, z < z_x_point), -rho_interp, rho_interp ) return rho_interp, theta, t
[docs] def spatial_coords( self, rho: LabeledArray, theta: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, kind: str = "poloidal", ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Convert to the spatial coordinate system. Parameters ---------- rho Flux surface coordinate. theta Angular position. t Times for conversions. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. kind The type of flux surface to use. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- R Major radius positions. z Vertical positions. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ minor_rad, t = self.minor_radius(rho, theta, t, kind) R0 = self.rmag.interp(t=t, method="nearest") z0 = self.zmag.interp(t=t, method="nearest") R = R0 - self.R_offset + minor_rad * np.cos(theta) z = z0 - self.z_offset + minor_rad * np.sin(theta) return R, z, t
[docs] def convert_flux_coords( self, rho: LabeledArray, t: Optional[LabeledArray] = None, from_kind: Optional[str] = "poloidal", to_kind: Optional[str] = "toroidal", ) -> Tuple[LabeledArray, LabeledArray]: """Convert between different coordinate systems. Parameters ---------- rho Input flux surface coordinate. t Times for conversions. Defaults to the time range specified when equilibrium object was instantiated and frequency the equilibrium data was calculated at. from_kind The type of flux surfaces used for the input coordinates. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. to_kind The type of flux surfaces on which to calculate the output coordinates. May be "toroidal", "poloidal", plus optional extras depending on implementation. Returns ------- rho New flux surface for each position. t If ``t`` was not specified as an argument, return the time the results are given for. Otherwise return the argument. """ if from_kind not in _FLUX_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised input flux kind, '{from_kind}'.") if to_kind not in _FLUX_TYPES: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised output flux kind, '{to_kind}'.") if from_kind == to_kind: if t is None: t = self.rhotor.coords["t"] return rho, t if t is not None: conversion = self.rhotor.interp(t=t, method="nearest") else: conversion = self.rhotor t = self.rhotor.coords["t"] if to_kind == "toroidal": flux = conversion.indica.interp2d( rho_poloidal=np.abs(rho), method="cubic", assume_sorted=True ) elif to_kind == "poloidal": flux = conversion.indica.invert_interp( np.abs(rho), "rho_poloidal", method="cubic" ) return flux, t