Source code for indica.operators.atomic_data

import copy
from typing import cast
from typing import get_args
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union
import warnings

import numpy as np
from numpy.core.numeric import zeros_like
import scipy
import xarray as xr
from xarray import DataArray

from indica.numpy_typing import LabeledArray
from .abstractoperator import EllipsisType
from .abstractoperator import Operator
from .. import session
from ..datatypes import DataType
from ..utilities import input_check

np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=10, linewidth=100)

def shape_check(
    data_to_check: dict,
    """Check to make sure all items in a given dictionary
    have the same dimensions as each other.
        Dictionary containing data to check.
        for key1, val1 in data_to_check.items():
            for key2, val2 in data_to_check.items():
                assert val1.shape == val2.shape
    except AssertionError:
        raise ValueError(f"{key1} and {key2} are not the same shape")

[docs]class FractionalAbundance(Operator): """Calculate fractional abundance for all ionisation charges of a given element. Parameters ---------- SCD xarray.DataArray of effective ionisation rate coefficients of all relevant ionisation charges of given impurity element. ACD xarray.DataArray of effective recombination rate coefficients of all relevant ionisation charges of given impurity element. CCD xarray.DataArray of charge exchange cross coupling coefficients of all relevant ionisation charges of given impurity element. (Optional) sess Object representing this session of calculations with the library. Holds and communicates provenance information. (Optional) Attributes ---------- ARGUMENT_TYPES: List[DataType] Ordered list of the types of data expected for each argument of the operator. RESULT_TYPES: List[DataType] Ordered list of the types of data returned by the operator. Returns ------- F_z_t xarray.DataArray of fractional abundance of all ionisation charges of given impurity element. """ ARGUMENT_TYPES: List[Union[DataType, EllipsisType]] = [ ("ionisation_rate", "impurity_element"), ("recombination_rate", "impurity_element"), ("charge-exchange_rate", "impurity_element"), ("number_density", "electrons"), ("temperature", "electrons"), ("number_density", "thermal_hydrogen"), ("initial_fractional_abundance", "impurity_element"), ] RESULT_TYPES: List[Union[DataType, EllipsisType]] = [ ("fractional_abundance", "impurity_element"), ] def __init__( self, SCD: DataArray, ACD: DataArray, CCD: Optional[DataArray] = None, sess: session.Session = session.global_session, ): """Initialises FractionalAbundance class and additionally performs error checking on imported data (SCD, ACD and CCD). """ super().__init__(sess) self.Ne = None self.Te = None self.Nh = None self.tau = None self.F_z_t0: Optional[DataArray] = None self.SCD = SCD self.ACD = ACD self.CCD = CCD imported_data = {} imported_data["SCD"] = self.SCD imported_data["ACD"] = self.ACD if self.CCD is not None: imported_data["CCD"] = self.CCD for ikey, ival in imported_data.items(): input_check(var_name=ikey, var_to_check=ival, var_type=DataArray) shape_check(imported_data)
[docs] def interpolation_bounds_check( self, Ne: DataArray, Te: DataArray, ): """Checks that inputted data (Ne and Te) has values that are within the interpolation ranges specified inside imported_data(SCD,CCD,ACD,PLT,PRC,PRB). Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Te xarray.DataArray of electron temperature as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. """ imported_data = {} imported_data["SCD"] = self.SCD imported_data["ACD"] = self.ACD if self.CCD is not None: imported_data["CCD"] = self.CCD inputted_data = {} input_check("Ne", Ne, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) inputted_data["Ne"] = Ne input_check("Te", Te, DataArray, strictly_positive=True) inputted_data["Te"] = Te shape_check(inputted_data) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Ne"] <= np.max(val.coords["electron_density"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron number density is larger than the \ maximum interpolation range in {key}" ) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Ne"] >= np.min(val.coords["electron_density"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron number density is smaller than the \ minimum interpolation range in {key}" ) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Te"] <= np.max(val.coords["electron_temperature"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron temperature is larger than the \ maximum interpolation range in {key}" ) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Te"] >= np.min(val.coords["electron_temperature"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron temperature is smaller than the \ minimum interpolation range in {key}" )
[docs] def return_types(self, *args: DataType) -> Tuple[DataType, ...]: """Indicates the datatypes of the results when calling the operator with arguments of the given types. It is assumed that the argument types are valid. Parameters ---------- args The datatypes of the parameters which the operator is to be called with. Returns ------- : The datatype of each result that will be returned if the operator is called with these arguments. """ return (("fractional abundance", "impurity_element"),)
[docs] def interpolate_rates( self, Ne: DataArray, Te: DataArray, ): """Interpolates rates based on inputted Ne and Te, also determines the number of ionisation charges for a given element. Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Te xarray.DataArray of electron temperature as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Returns ------- SCD_spec Interpolated effective ionisation rate coefficients. ACD_spec Interpolated effective recombination rate coefficients. CCD_spec Interpolated charge exchange cross coupling coefficients. num_of_ion_charges Number of ionisation charges(stages) for the given impurity element. """ self.interpolation_bounds_check(Ne, Te) if self.Ne is not None: if np.logical_not(np.all(Ne == self.Ne)): warnings.warn( "Ne given to calc_ionisation_balance_matrix is different from \ the internal Ne known to FractionalAbundance object." ) self.Ne, self.Te = Ne, Te # type: ignore SCD_spec = self.SCD.indica.interp2d( electron_temperature=Te, electron_density=Ne, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) if self.CCD is not None: CCD_spec = self.CCD.indica.interp2d( electron_temperature=Te, electron_density=Ne, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) else: CCD_spec = None ACD_spec = self.ACD.indica.interp2d( electron_temperature=Te, electron_density=Ne, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) self.SCD_spec, self.ACD_spec, self.CCD_spec = SCD_spec, ACD_spec, CCD_spec self.num_of_ion_charges = self.SCD_spec.shape[0] + 1 return SCD_spec, ACD_spec, CCD_spec, self.num_of_ion_charges
[docs] def calc_ionisation_balance_matrix( self, Ne: DataArray, Nh: Optional[DataArray] = None, ): """Calculates the ionisation balance matrix that defines the differential equation that defines the time evolution of the fractional abundance of all of the ionisation charges. Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Nh xarray.DataArray of thermal hydrogen as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. (Optional) Returns ------- ionisation_balance_matrix Matrix representing coefficients of the differential equation governing the time evolution of the ionisation balance. """ inputted_data = {} input_check("Ne", Ne, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) inputted_data["Ne"] = Ne if Nh is not None: if self.CCD is None: raise ValueError( "Nh (Thermal hydrogen density) cannot be given when \ CCD (effective charge exchange recombination) at initialisation \ is None." ) input_check("Nh", Nh, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) inputted_data["Nh"] = Nh elif self.CCD is not None: Nh = cast(DataArray, zeros_like(Ne)) inputted_data["Nh"] = cast(DataArray, Nh) shape_check(inputted_data) if self.Ne is not None: if np.logical_not(np.all(Ne == self.Ne)): warnings.warn( "Ne given to calc_ionisation_balance_matrix is different from \ the internal Ne known to FractionalAbundance object." ) self.Ne, self.Nh = Ne, Nh # type: ignore num_of_ion_charges = self.num_of_ion_charges SCD, ACD, CCD = self.SCD_spec, self.ACD_spec, self.CCD_spec x1_coord = SCD.coords[[k for k in SCD.dims if k != "ion_charges"][0]] self.x1_coord = x1_coord dims = ( num_of_ion_charges, num_of_ion_charges, *x1_coord.shape, ) ionisation_balance_matrix = np.zeros(dims) icharge = 0 ionisation_balance_matrix[icharge, icharge : icharge + 2] = np.array( [ -Ne * SCD[icharge], # type: ignore Ne * ACD[icharge] + (Nh * CCD[icharge] if Nh is not None and CCD is not None else 0.0), ] ) for icharge in range(1, num_of_ion_charges - 1): ionisation_balance_matrix[icharge, icharge - 1 : icharge + 2] = np.array( [ Ne * SCD[icharge - 1], -Ne * (SCD[icharge] + ACD[icharge - 1]) # type: ignore - ( Nh * CCD[icharge - 1] if Nh is not None and CCD is not None else 0.0 ), Ne * ACD[icharge] + ( Nh * CCD[icharge] if Nh is not None and CCD is not None else 0.0 ), ] ) icharge = num_of_ion_charges - 1 ionisation_balance_matrix[icharge, icharge - 1 : icharge + 1] = np.array( [ Ne * SCD[icharge - 1], -Ne * (ACD[icharge - 1]) # type: ignore - ( Nh * CCD[icharge - 1] if Nh is not None and CCD is not None else 0.0 ), ] ) ionisation_balance_matrix = np.squeeze(ionisation_balance_matrix) self.ionisation_balance_matrix = ionisation_balance_matrix return ionisation_balance_matrix
[docs] def calc_F_z_tinf( self, ): """Calculates the equilibrium fractional abundance of all ionisation charges, F_z(t=infinity) used for the final time evolution equation. Returns ------- F_z_tinf Fractional abundance at equilibrium. """ x1_coord = self.x1_coord ionisation_balance_matrix = self.ionisation_balance_matrix null_space = np.zeros((self.num_of_ion_charges, x1_coord.size)) F_z_tinf = np.zeros((self.num_of_ion_charges, x1_coord.size)) for ix1 in range(x1_coord.size): null_space[:, ix1, np.newaxis] = scipy.linalg.null_space( ionisation_balance_matrix[:, :, ix1] ) # Complex type casting for compatibility with eigen calculation results later. F_z_tinf = np.abs(null_space).astype(dtype=np.complex128) # normalization needed for high-z elements F_z_tinf = F_z_tinf / np.sum(F_z_tinf, axis=0) F_z_tinf = DataArray( data=F_z_tinf, coords=[ ( "ion_charges", np.linspace( 0, self.num_of_ion_charges - 1, self.num_of_ion_charges ), ), x1_coord, ], dims=["ion_charges", x1_coord.dims[0]], ) self.F_z_tinf = F_z_tinf return np.real(F_z_tinf)
[docs] def calc_eigen_vals_and_vecs( self, ): """Calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the ionisation balance matrix. Returns ------- eig_vals Eigenvalues of the ionisation balance matrix. eig_vecs Eigenvectors of the ionisation balance matrix. """ x1_coord = self.x1_coord eig_vals = np.zeros( (self.num_of_ion_charges, x1_coord.size), dtype=np.complex128 ) eig_vecs = np.zeros( (self.num_of_ion_charges, self.num_of_ion_charges, x1_coord.size), dtype=np.complex128, ) for ix1 in range(x1_coord.size): eig_vals[:, ix1], eig_vecs[:, :, ix1] = scipy.linalg.eig( self.ionisation_balance_matrix[:, :, ix1], ) self.eig_vals = eig_vals self.eig_vecs = eig_vecs return eig_vals, eig_vecs
[docs] def calc_eigen_coeffs( self, F_z_t0: Optional[DataArray] = None, ): """Calculates the coefficients from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the time evolution equation. Parameters ---------- F_z_t0 Initial fractional abundance for given impurity element. (Optional) Returns ------- eig_coeffs Coefficients calculated from the eigenvalues and eigenvectors needed for the time evolution equation. F_z_t0 Initial fractional abundance, either user-provided or fully neutral eg. [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] for Beryllium. """ x1_coord = self.x1_coord if F_z_t0 is None: # mypy doesn't understand contionals or reassignments either. F_z_t0 = np.zeros(self.F_z_tinf.shape, dtype=np.complex128) # type: ignore F_z_t0[0, :] = np.array( # type: ignore [1.0 + 0.0j for i in range(x1_coord.size)] ) F_z_t0 = DataArray( data=F_z_t0, coords=[ ( "ion_charges", np.linspace( 0, self.num_of_ion_charges - 1, self.num_of_ion_charges ), ), x1_coord, # type: ignore ], dims=["ion_charges", x1_coord.dims[0]], ) else: input_check("F_z_t0", F_z_t0, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) try: assert F_z_t0.ndim < 3 except AssertionError: raise ValueError("F_z_t0 must be at most 2-dimensional.") F_z_t0 = F_z_t0 / np.sum(F_z_t0, axis=0) F_z_t0 = F_z_t0.as_type(dtype=np.complex128) # type: ignore F_z_t0 = DataArray( data=F_z_t0.values, # type: ignore coords=[ ( "ion_charges", np.linspace( 0, self.num_of_ion_charges - 1, self.num_of_ion_charges ), ), x1_coord, # type: ignore ], dims=["ion_charges", x1_coord.dims[0]], ) eig_vals = self.eig_vals eig_vecs_inv = np.zeros(self.eig_vecs.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for ix1 in range(x1_coord.size): eig_vecs_inv[:, :, ix1] = np.linalg.pinv( np.transpose(self.eig_vecs[:, :, ix1]) ) boundary_conds = F_z_t0 - self.F_z_tinf eig_coeffs = np.zeros(eig_vals.shape, dtype=np.complex128) for ix1 in range(x1_coord.size): eig_coeffs[:, ix1] =[:, ix1], eig_vecs_inv[:, :, ix1]) self.eig_coeffs = eig_coeffs # If argument to numpy functions is of type DataArray then output is of # type DataArray F_z_t0 = np.abs(np.real(F_z_t0)) # type: ignore self.F_z_t0 = F_z_t0 # type: ignore return eig_coeffs, F_z_t0
[docs] def calculate_abundance(self, tau: LabeledArray): """Calculates the fractional abundance of all ionisation charges at time tau. Parameters ---------- tau Time after t0 (t0 is defined as the time at which F_z_t0 is taken). Returns ------- F_z_t Fractional abundance at tau. """ input_check( "tau", tau, get_args(LabeledArray), strictly_positive=False, ) x1_coord = self.x1_coord F_z_t = copy.deepcopy(self.F_z_tinf) for ix1 in range(x1_coord.size): if isinstance(tau, (DataArray, np.ndarray)): itau = tau[ix1].values if isinstance(tau, DataArray) else tau[ix1] else: itau = tau for icharge in range(self.num_of_ion_charges): F_z_t[:, ix1] += ( self.eig_coeffs[icharge, ix1] * np.exp(self.eig_vals[icharge, ix1] * itau) * self.eig_vecs[:, icharge, ix1] ) F_z_t = np.abs(np.real(F_z_t)) self.F_z_t = F_z_t # Mypy complains about assigning a LabeledArray to an object that was type None. # Can't really fix incompatibility without eliminating LabeledArray since mypy # seems to have an issue with type aliases. self.tau = tau # type: ignore return F_z_t
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore self, Ne: DataArray, Te: DataArray, Nh: Optional[DataArray] = None, tau: LabeledArray = 1e3, F_z_t0: Optional[DataArray] = None, full_run: bool = True, ) -> DataArray: """Executes all functions in correct order to calculate the fractional abundance. Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Te xarray.DataArray of electron temperature as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Nh xarray.DataArray of thermal hydrogen as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. (Optional) tau Time after t0 (t0 is defined as the time at which F_z_t0 is taken). (Optional) F_z_t0 Initial fractional abundance for given impurity element. (Optional) full_run Boolean specifying whether to only run calculate_abundance(False) or to run the entire ordered workflow(True) for calculating abundance from the start. This is mostly only useful for unit testing and is set to True by default. (Optional) Returns ------- F_z_t Fractional abundance at tau. """ if full_run: self.interpolate_rates(Ne, Te) self.calc_ionisation_balance_matrix(Ne, Nh) self.calc_F_z_tinf() self.calc_eigen_vals_and_vecs() self.calc_eigen_coeffs(F_z_t0) F_z_t = self.calculate_abundance(tau) self.F_z_t = F_z_t return F_z_t
[docs]class PowerLoss(Operator): """Calculate the total power loss associated with a given impurity element Parameters ---------- PLT xarray.DataArray of radiated power of line emission from excitation of all relevant ionisation charges of given impurity element. PRB xarray.DataArray of radiated power from recombination and bremsstrahlung of given impurity element. PRC xarray.DataArray of radiated power of charge exchange emission of all relevant ionisation charges of given impurity element. (Optional) sess Object representing this session of calculations with the library. Holds and communicates provenance information. (Optional) Attributes ---------- ARGUMENT_TYPES: List[DataType] Ordered list of the types of data expected for each argument of the operator. RESULT_TYPES: List[DataType] Ordered list of the types of data returned by the operator. Returns ------- cooling_factor xarray.DataArray of total radiated power loss of all ionisation charges of given impurity element. """ ARGUMENT_TYPES: List[Union[DataType, EllipsisType]] = [ ("line_power_coeffecient", "impurity_element"), ("recombination_power_coeffecient", "impurity_element"), ("charge-exchange_power_coeffecient", "impurity_element"), ("number_density", "electrons"), ("temperature", "electrons"), ("fractional_abundance", "impurity_element"), ("number_density", "thermal_hydrogen"), ] RESULT_TYPES: List[Union[DataType, EllipsisType]] = [ ("total_radiated power loss", "impurity_element"), ] def __init__( self, PLT: DataArray, PRB: DataArray, PRC: Optional[DataArray] = None, sess: session.Session = session.global_session, ): super().__init__(sess) self.PLT = PLT self.PRC = PRC self.PRB = PRB self.Ne = None self.Nh = None self.Te = None self.F_z_t: Optional[DataArray] = None imported_data = {} imported_data["PLT"] = self.PLT imported_data["PRB"] = self.PRB if self.PRC is not None: imported_data["PRC"] = self.PRC for ikey, ival in imported_data.items(): input_check(var_name=ikey, var_to_check=ival, var_type=DataArray) shape_check(imported_data)
[docs] def interpolation_bounds_check( self, Ne: DataArray, Te: DataArray, ): """Checks that inputted data (Ne and Te) has values that are within the interpolation ranges specified inside imported_data(PLT,PRC,PRB). Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Te xarray.DataArray of electron temperature as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. """ imported_data = {} imported_data["PLT"] = self.PLT imported_data["PRB"] = self.PRB if self.PRC is not None: imported_data["PRC"] = self.PRC inputted_data = {} input_check("Ne", Ne, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) inputted_data["Ne"] = Ne input_check("Te", Te, DataArray, strictly_positive=True) inputted_data["Te"] = Te shape_check(inputted_data) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Ne"] <= np.max(val.coords["electron_density"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron number density is larger than the \ maximum interpolation range in {key}" ) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Ne"] >= np.min(val.coords["electron_density"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron number density is smaller than the \ minimum interpolation range in {key}" ) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Te"] <= np.max(val.coords["electron_temperature"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron temperature is larger than the \ maximum interpolation range in {key}" ) try: for key, val in imported_data.items(): assert np.all( inputted_data["Te"] >= np.min(val.coords["electron_temperature"]) ) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( f"Inputted electron temperature is smaller than the \ minimum interpolation range in {key}" )
[docs] def return_types(self, *args: DataType) -> Tuple[DataType, ...]: """Indicates the datatypes of the results when calling the operator with arguments of the given types. It is assumed that the argument types are valid. Parameters ---------- args The datatypes of the parameters which the operator is to be called with. Returns ------- : The datatype of each result that will be returned if the operator is called with these arguments. """ return (("total_radiated power loss", "impurity_element"),)
[docs] def interpolate_power( self, Ne: DataArray, Te: DataArray, ): """Interpolates the various powers based on inputted Ne and Te. Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Te xarray.DataArray of electron temperature as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Returns ------- PLT_spec Interpolated radiated power of line emission from excitation of all relevant ionisation charges. PRC_spec Interpolated radiated power of charge exchange emission of all relevant ionisation charges. PRB_spec Interpolated radiated power from recombination and bremsstrahlung. num_of_ion_charges Number of ionisation charges(stages) for the given impurity element. """ self.interpolation_bounds_check(Ne, Te) self.Ne, self.Te = Ne, Te # type: ignore PLT_spec = self.PLT.indica.interp2d( electron_temperature=Te, electron_density=Ne, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) if self.PRC is not None: PRC_spec = self.PRC.indica.interp2d( electron_temperature=Te, electron_density=Ne, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) else: PRC_spec = None PRB_spec = self.PRB.indica.interp2d( electron_temperature=Te, electron_density=Ne, method="cubic", assume_sorted=True, ) self.PLT_spec, self.PRC_spec, self.PRB_spec = PLT_spec, PRC_spec, PRB_spec self.num_of_ion_charges = self.PLT_spec.shape[0] + 1 return PLT_spec, PRC_spec, PRB_spec, self.num_of_ion_charges
[docs] def calculate_power_loss( self, Ne: DataArray, F_z_t: DataArray, Nh: Optional[DataArray] = None ): """Calculates total radiated power of all ionisation charges of a given impurity element. Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. F_z_t xarray.DataArray of fractional abundance of all ionisation charges of given impurity element. Nh xarray.DataArray of thermal hydrogen number density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. (Optional) Returns ------- cooling_factor Total radiated power of all ionisation charges. """ inputted_data = {} inputted_data["Ne"] = Ne if Nh is not None: if self.PRC is None: raise ValueError( "Nh (Thermal hydrogen density) cannot be given when \ PRC (effective charge exchange power) at initialisation \ is None." ) input_check("Nh", Nh, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) inputted_data["Nh"] = Nh elif self.PRC is not None: Nh = cast(DataArray, zeros_like(Ne)) inputted_data["Nh"] = cast(DataArray, Nh) if self.Ne is not None: if np.logical_not(np.all(Ne == self.Ne)): warnings.warn( "Ne given to calc_ionisation_balance_matrix is different from \ the internal Ne known to FractionalAbundance object." ) self.Ne, self.Nh = Ne, Nh # type: ignore if len(inputted_data) > 1: shape_check(inputted_data) if F_z_t is not None: input_check("F_z_t", F_z_t, DataArray, strictly_positive=False) try: assert not np.iscomplexobj(F_z_t) except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "Inputted F_z_t is a complex type or array of complex numbers, \ must be real" ) self.F_z_t = F_z_t # type: ignore elif self.F_z_t is None: raise ValueError("Please provide a valid F_z_t (Fractional Abundance).") self.x1_coord = self.PLT_spec.coords[ [k for k in self.PLT_spec.dims if k != "ion_charges"][0] ] x1_coord = self.x1_coord PLT, PRB, PRC = self.PLT_spec, self.PRB_spec, self.PRC_spec # Mypy complaints about F_z_t not being subscriptable since it thinks # it's a NoneType have been suppresed. This is because F_z_t is tested # to be a DataArray with elements greater than zero. # (in the input_check() above) cooling_factor = xr.zeros_like(self.F_z_t) for ix1 in range(x1_coord.size): icharge = 0 cooling_factor[icharge, ix1] = ( PLT[icharge, ix1] * self.F_z_t[icharge, ix1] # type: ignore ) for icharge in range(1, self.num_of_ion_charges - 1): cooling_factor[icharge, ix1] = ( PLT[icharge, ix1] + ( (Nh[ix1] / Ne[ix1]) * PRC[icharge - 1, ix1] if (PRC is not None) and (Nh is not None) else 0.0 ) + PRB[icharge - 1, ix1] ) * self.F_z_t[ icharge, ix1 ] # type: ignore icharge = self.num_of_ion_charges - 1 cooling_factor[icharge, ix1] = ( ( (Nh[ix1] / Ne[ix1]) * PRC[icharge - 1, ix1] if (PRC is not None) and (Nh is not None) else 0.0 ) + PRB[icharge - 1, ix1] ) * self.F_z_t[ icharge, ix1 ] # type: ignore self.cooling_factor = cooling_factor return cooling_factor
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore self, Ne: DataArray, Te: DataArray, F_z_t: DataArray, Nh: Optional[DataArray] = None, full_run: bool = True, ): """Executes all functions in correct order to calculate the total radiated power. Parameters ---------- Ne xarray.DataArray of electron density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Te xarray.DataArray of electron temperature as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. Nh xarray.DataArray of thermal hydrogen number density as a profile of a user-chosen coordinate. (Optional) F_z_t xarray.DataArray of fractional abundance of all ionisation charges of given impurity element. (Optional) full_run Boolean specifying whether to only run calculate_power_loss(False) or to run the entire ordered workflow(True) for calculating power loss from the start. This is mostly only useful for unit testing and is set to True by default. (Optional) Returns ------- cooling_factor Total radiated power of all ionisation charges. """ if full_run: self.interpolate_power(Ne, Te) cooling_factor = self.calculate_power_loss(Ne, F_z_t, Nh) # type: ignore return cooling_factor