Source code for indica.operators.bolometry_derivation

from typing import cast
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from xarray import concat
from xarray import DataArray
from xarray.core.common import zeros_like

from indica.converters.flux_surfaces import FluxSurfaceCoordinates
from indica.converters.lines_of_sight import LinesOfSightTransform
from indica.operators.main_ion_density import MainIonDensity
from indica.operators.mean_charge import MeanCharge
from .abstractoperator import EllipsisType
from .abstractoperator import Operator
from .. import session
from ..datatypes import DataType
from ..utilities import input_check

[docs]class BolometryDerivation(Operator): """Class to hold relevant variables and functions relating to the derivation of bolometry data from plasma quantities (densities, temperatures, etc.) Parameters ---------- flux_surfaces FluxSurfaceCoordinates object representing polar coordinate systems using flux surfaces for the radial coordinate. LoS_bolometry_data Line-of-sight bolometry data in the same format as given in: tests/unit/operator/ t_arr Array of time values to interpolate the (rho, theta) grids on. xarray.DataArray with dimensions (t). impurity_densities Densities for all impurities (including the extrapolated smooth density of the impurity in question), xarray.DataArray with dimensions (elements, rho, theta, t). frac_abunds Fractional abundances list of fractional abundances (an xarray.DataArray for each impurity) dimensions of each element in the list are (ion_charges, rho, t). impurity_elements List of element symbols(as strings) for all impurities. electron_density xarray.DataArray of electron density, xarray.DataArray wit dimensions (rho, t) main_ion_power_loss Power loss associated with the main ion (eg. deuterium), xarray.DataArray with dimensions (rho, t) main_ion_density Density profile for the main ion, xarray.DataArray with dimensions (rho, theta, t) Returns ------- derived_power_loss_LoS_tot Total derived bolometric power loss values along all lines-of-sight. xarray.DataArray with dimensions (channels, t) or (channels) depending on whether t_val is provided. Attributes ---------- ARGUMENT_TYPES: List[DataType] Ordered list of the types of data expected for each argument of the operator. RESULT_TYPES: List[DataType] Ordered list of the types of data returned by the operator. """ ARGUMENT_TYPES: List[Union[DataType, EllipsisType]] = [ ("plasma", "flux_surface_coordinates"), ("bolometric", "lines_of_sight_data"), ("plasma", "times"), ("impurities", "number_density"), ("impurities", "fractional_abundance"), ("impurities", "elements"), ("electrons", "number_density"), ("main_ion", "total radiated power loss"), ("main_ion", "number_density"), ] def __init__( self, flux_surfs: FluxSurfaceCoordinates, LoS_bolometry_data: Sequence, t_arr: DataArray, impurity_densities: DataArray, frac_abunds: Sequence, impurity_elements: Sequence, electron_density: DataArray, main_ion_power_loss: DataArray, impurities_power_loss: DataArray, sess: session.Session = session.global_session, ): """Initialises the BolometryDerivation class. Checks all inputs for errors.""" super().__init__(sess=sess) input_check( "flux_surfs", flux_surfs, FluxSurfaceCoordinates, ) input_check("LoS_bolometry_data", LoS_bolometry_data, Sequence) input_check("t_arr", t_arr, DataArray, ndim_to_check=1, strictly_positive=False) input_check( "impurity_densities", impurity_densities, DataArray, ndim_to_check=4, strictly_positive=False, ) input_check("frac_abunds", frac_abunds, Sequence) input_check("impurity_elements", impurity_elements, Sequence) input_check( "electron_density", electron_density, DataArray, ndim_to_check=2, strictly_positive=False, ) input_check( "main_ion_power_loss", main_ion_power_loss, DataArray, ndim_to_check=2, strictly_positive=False, ) input_check( "impurities_power_loss", impurities_power_loss, DataArray, ndim_to_check=3, strictly_positive=False, ) self.flux_surfaces = flux_surfs self.LoS_bolometry_data = LoS_bolometry_data self.t_arr = t_arr self.impurity_densities = impurity_densities self.frac_abunds = frac_abunds self.impurity_elements = impurity_elements self.electron_density = electron_density self.main_ion_power_loss = main_ion_power_loss self.impurities_power_loss = impurities_power_loss
[docs] def return_types(self, *args: DataType) -> Tuple[DataType, ...]: return (("bolometric", "lines_of_sight_data"),)
def __bolometry_coord_transforms(self): """Transform the bolometry coords from LoS to (rho, theta) and (R, z). Returns ------- LoS_coords List of dictionaries containing the rho, theta, x and z arrays and dl for the resolution of the LoS coordinates. """ LoS_coords = [] for iLoS in range(len(self.LoS_bolometry_data)): LoS_transform = LinesOfSightTransform(*self.LoS_bolometry_data[iLoS]) x1_name = LoS_transform.x1_name x2_name = LoS_transform.x2_name x1 = DataArray( data=np.array([0]), coords={x1_name: np.array([0])}, dims=[x1_name] ) x2 = DataArray( data=np.linspace(0, 1, 30), coords={x2_name: np.linspace(0, 1, 30)}, dims=[x2_name], ) R_arr, z_arr = LoS_transform.convert_to_Rz(x1, x2, self.t_arr) rho_arr, theta_arr = self.flux_surfaces.convert_from_Rz(R_arr, z_arr) rho_arr = cast(DataArray, rho_arr).interp(t=self.t_arr, method="linear") theta_arr = cast(DataArray, theta_arr).interp(t=self.t_arr, method="linear") rho_arr = np.abs(rho_arr) rho_arr = rho_arr.assign_coords({x2_name: x2}) rho_arr = rho_arr.drop(x1_name).squeeze() rho_arr = rho_arr.fillna(2.0) theta_arr = theta_arr.drop(x1_name).squeeze() dl = LoS_transform.distance(x2_name, DataArray(0), x2[0:2], 0) LoS_coords.append( dict( { # dimensions for rho_arr and # theta_arr are (channel no., distance along LoS) "rho_poloidal": rho_arr, "theta": theta_arr, # dimensions for dl are (channel no.) "dl": dl, # dimensions for R_arr and # z_arr are (channel no., distance along LoS) "R": R_arr, "z": z_arr, # dimensions for t are (t) "t": self.t_arr, "label": self.LoS_bolometry_data[iLoS][6], } ) ) self.LoS_coords = LoS_coords return LoS_coords def __bolometry_setup(self): """Calculating main ion density for the bolometry derivation. Returns ------- main_ion_density Density profile for the main ion, xarray.DataArray with dimensions (rho, theta, t) """ mean_charges = zeros_like(self.electron_density) mean_charges = mean_charges = np.tile(mean_charges, (len(self.impurity_elements), 1, 1)) # Ignoring mypy error since mypy refuses to acknowlege electron_density.coords # as a dictionary mean_charges_coords = { "element": self.impurity_elements, # type: ignore **self.electron_density.coords, # type: ignore } mean_charges = DataArray( data=mean_charges, coords=mean_charges_coords, # type:ignore dims=["element", *self.electron_density.dims], ) for ielement, element in enumerate(self.impurity_elements): mean_charge = MeanCharge() mean_charge = mean_charge(self.frac_abunds[ielement], element) mean_charges.loc[element] = mean_charge main_ion_density_obj = MainIonDensity() main_ion_density = main_ion_density_obj( self.impurity_densities, self.electron_density, mean_charges ) main_ion_density = main_ion_density.transpose("rho_poloidal", "theta", "t") self.main_ion_density = main_ion_density return main_ion_density def __bolometry_channel_filter(self): """Filters the bolometry data to reduce the number of channels by eliminating channels that are too close together. Returns ------- LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed Lines-of-sight data with a reduced number of channels. List with the same formatting as self.LoS_bolometry_data. LoS_coords_trimmed LoS coordinates (as returned by bolometry_coord_transforms) with a reduced number of channels. List with the same formatting as self.LoS_coords. """ LoS_bolometry_data_in = self.LoS_bolometry_data LoS_coords_in = self.LoS_coords LoS_bolometry_data = [] LoS_coords = [] t_arr = LoS_coords_in[0]["t"] R_central = self.flux_surfaces.equilibrium.rmag.interp(t=t_arr, method="linear") z_central = self.flux_surfaces.equilibrium.zmag.interp(t=t_arr, method="linear") LoS_R_midplane_multi = [] for iLoS in range(len(LoS_bolometry_data_in)): R_arr = LoS_coords_in[iLoS]["R"] z_arr = LoS_coords_in[iLoS]["z"] try: midplane_LoS_pos = z_arr.indica.invert_interp( values=z_central.values[0], target=z_arr.dims[1], method="nearest" ) except ValueError: midplane_LoS_pos = 2.0 LoS_R_midplane = R_arr.interp( {R_arr.dims[1]: midplane_LoS_pos}, method="nearest" ) if (LoS_R_midplane > R_central).all(): LoS_bolometry_data.append(LoS_bolometry_data_in[iLoS]) LoS_coords.append(LoS_coords_in[iLoS]) LoS_R_midplane_multi.append([0]) LoS_R_midplane_positions = DataArray( data=LoS_R_midplane_multi, coords={"channels": [j[6] for j in LoS_bolometry_data]}, dims=["channels"], ) LoS_R_midplane_positions_sorted = LoS_R_midplane_positions.sortby( LoS_R_midplane_positions ) radial_resolution_threshold = 0.1 # in metres LoS_R_midplane_positions_diff = LoS_R_midplane_positions_sorted.diff( "channels", label="upper" ) LoS_R_midplane_positions_diff_first = DataArray( data=np.array([True]), coords={ "channels": np.array( [LoS_R_midplane_positions_sorted.coords["channels"].data[0]] ) }, dims=["channels"], ) LoS_R_midplane_positions_diff = concat( [LoS_R_midplane_positions_diff_first, LoS_R_midplane_positions_diff], dim="channels", ) LoS_R_midplane_trim_mask = ( LoS_R_midplane_positions_diff > radial_resolution_threshold ) LoS_R_midplane_trimmed = LoS_R_midplane_positions_sorted[ LoS_R_midplane_trim_mask ] LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed = [] LoS_coords_trimmed = [] for iLoS in range(len(LoS_bolometry_data)): orig_channel = LoS_bolometry_data[iLoS][6] if orig_channel in LoS_R_midplane_trimmed.coords["channels"].data: LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed.append(LoS_bolometry_data[iLoS]) LoS_coords_trimmed.append(LoS_coords[iLoS]) self.LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed, self.LoS_coords_trimmed = ( LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed, LoS_coords_trimmed, ) return LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed, LoS_coords_trimmed def __bolometry_derivation( self, trim: bool = False, t_val: Optional[float] = None, ): """Derive bolometry including the extrapolated smoothed impurity density. Parameters ---------- trim Boolean specifying whether the number of bolometry channels are trimmed. t_val Optional time value(float) for which to calculate the bolometry data. Returns ------- derived_power_loss_LoS_tot Total derived bolometric power loss values along all lines-of-sight. xarray.DataArray with dimensions (channels, t) or (channels) depending on whether t_val is provided. """ if trim: if not ( hasattr(self, "LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed") and hasattr(self, "LoS_coords_trimmed") ): raise AttributeError( 'Argument "trim" is set to True but bolometry_channel_filter() \ has not yet been run at least once.' ) LoS_bolometry_data = self.LoS_bolometry_data_trimmed LoS_coords_in = self.LoS_coords_trimmed else: LoS_bolometry_data = self.LoS_bolometry_data LoS_coords_in = self.LoS_coords if t_val is not None: LoS_coords = cast(Sequence, [{} for i in LoS_coords_in]) impurity_densities = self.impurity_densities.sel(t=t_val) main_ion_power_loss = self.main_ion_power_loss.sel(t=t_val) impurities_power_loss = self.impurities_power_loss.sel(t=t_val) electron_density = self.electron_density.sel(t=t_val) main_ion_density = self.main_ion_density.sel(t=t_val) for icoord in range(len(LoS_coords_in)): LoS_coords[icoord]["rho_poloidal"] = LoS_coords_in[icoord][ "rho_poloidal" ].sel(t=t_val) LoS_coords[icoord]["theta"] = LoS_coords_in[icoord]["theta"].sel( t=t_val ) LoS_coords[icoord]["dl"] = LoS_coords_in[icoord]["dl"] LoS_coords[icoord]["R"] = LoS_coords_in[icoord]["R"] LoS_coords[icoord]["z"] = LoS_coords_in[icoord]["z"] else: LoS_coords = LoS_coords_in impurity_densities = self.impurity_densities main_ion_power_loss = self.main_ion_power_loss impurities_power_loss = self.impurities_power_loss electron_density = self.electron_density main_ion_density = self.main_ion_density derived_power_loss = electron_density * (main_ion_density * main_ion_power_loss) impurities_losses = impurity_densities * impurities_power_loss impurities_losses = impurities_losses.sum(dim="element") impurities_losses *= electron_density derived_power_loss += impurities_losses if t_val is not None: derived_power_loss = derived_power_loss.transpose("rho_poloidal", "theta") derived_power_loss_LoS_tot = DataArray( data=np.zeros((len(LoS_bolometry_data))), coords={ "channels": np.linspace( 0, len(LoS_bolometry_data), len(LoS_bolometry_data), endpoint=False, ), }, dims=["channels"], ) else: derived_power_loss = derived_power_loss.transpose( "t", "rho_poloidal", "theta" ) t_arr = derived_power_loss.coords["t"] derived_power_loss_LoS_tot = DataArray( data=np.zeros((len(LoS_bolometry_data), t_arr.shape[0])), coords={ "channels": np.linspace( 0, len(LoS_bolometry_data), len(LoS_bolometry_data), endpoint=False, ), "t": t_arr, }, dims=["channels", "t"], ) for iLoS in range(len(LoS_bolometry_data)): LoS_transform = LinesOfSightTransform(*LoS_bolometry_data[iLoS]) x2_name = LoS_transform.x2_name rho_arr = LoS_coords[iLoS]["rho_poloidal"] theta_arr = LoS_coords[iLoS]["theta"] derived_power_loss_LoS = derived_power_loss.interp( {"rho_poloidal": rho_arr, "theta": theta_arr} ) derived_power_loss_LoS = derived_power_loss_LoS.fillna(0.0) dl = LoS_coords[iLoS]["dl"] dl = cast(DataArray, dl)[1] derived_power_loss_LoS = derived_power_loss_LoS.sum(dim=x2_name) * dl derived_power_loss_LoS_tot[iLoS] = derived_power_loss_LoS.squeeze() derived_power_loss_LoS_tot = derived_power_loss_LoS_tot.fillna(0.0) self.derived_power_loss_LoS_tot = derived_power_loss_LoS_tot return derived_power_loss_LoS_tot
[docs] def __call__( # type: ignore self, deriv_only: bool = False, trim: bool = False, t_val: Optional[float] = None, ): """Varying workflow to derive bolometry from plasma quantities. (Varying as in, if full setup and derivation is needed or only derivaiton.) Parameters ---------- deriv_only Optional boolean specifying if only derivation is needed(True) or if full setup and derivation is needed(False). trim Optional boolean specifying whether to use bolometry data with trimmed channels(True) or not(False). t_val Optional time value for which to calculate the bolometry data. (This is passed to bolometry_derivation()) Returns ------- derived_power_loss_LoS_tot Total derived bolometric power loss values along all lines-of-sight. xarray.DataArray with dimensions (channels, t) or (channels) depending on whether t_val is provided. """ input_check("deriv_only", deriv_only, bool) input_check("trim", trim, bool) if t_val is not None: input_check("t_val", t_val, float, strictly_positive=False) if not deriv_only: self.__bolometry_coord_transforms() self.__bolometry_setup() if trim: self.__bolometry_channel_filter() self.__bolometry_derivation(trim, t_val) return self.derived_power_loss_LoS_tot