Source code for indica.session

"""Experimental design for handling provenance using W3C PROV.


from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextlib import redirect_stderr
import datetime
from functools import wraps
import hashlib
import importlib
import io
import os
from pathlib import Path
import platform
import re
import subprocess
import typing

import pkg_resources
import prov.model as prov
from xarray import DataArray
from xarray import Dataset

from .utilities import positional_parameters

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from .equilibrium import Equilibrium
    from .operators import Operator
    from .readers import DataReader

__author__ = "Marco Sertoli"
__credits__ = ["Chris MacMackin", "Marco Sertoli"]

ORCID_RE = re.compile(r"^\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}-\d{4}$")

global_session: "Session"

[docs]def get_dependency_data(): """A generator for provenance data on dependencies.""" raise NotImplementedError("TODO: write this function")
[docs]def hash_vals(**kwargs: typing.Any) -> str: """Produces an SHA256 hash from the key-value pairs passed as arguments. Parameters --------- kwargs The data to use for the hash. Returns ------- str A hexadecimal representation of the hash. """ # TODO: include date/time in hash hash_result = hashlib.sha256() for key, val in kwargs.items(): hash_result.update(bytes(key, encoding="utf-8")) hash_result.update(b":") hash_result.update(bytes(str(val), encoding="utf-8")) hash_result.update(b",") return hash_result.hexdigest()
[docs]def package_provenance( doc: prov.ProvDocument, package_name: str ) -> typing.Tuple[prov.ProvEntity, prov.ProvEntity]: """Returns provenance for the requested package. This provenance will include version information for all dependencies. Returns a tuple of the provenance for the package in general and the specific installation being used here. """ doc.add_namespace("pypi", "") doc.add_namespace("local", "file://") package = pkg_resources.working_set.find( pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(package_name) ) assert isinstance(package, pkg_resources.Distribution) general_entity = doc.entity( f"pypi:{package.project_name}", {"pypi:package": package.project_name}, ) version_entity = doc.entity( f"pypi:{package.project_name}/{package.version}", {"pypi:version": package.version}, ) version_entity.specializationOf(general_entity) # Some modules print things when imported, so capture this tmp_output = io.StringIO() try: with redirect_stderr(tmp_output), redirect_stderr(tmp_output): path = Path( importlib.import_module(package.project_name).__file__ # type: ignore ).parent # Check this directory and the parent directory for git repository # TODO: Check all parent directories, but only if the child directory # is not ignored. # if any((p / ".git").exists() for p in [path] + path.parents): if (path / ".git").exists() or (path.parent / ".git").exists(): git_hash = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "describe", "--always"], cwd=path, text=True ).strip() git_diff = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "diff", "HEAD", "--", "indica"], text=True ).strip() if len(git_diff) > 0: git_hash += "-dirty" elif (path / "git_version").exists(): with (path / "git_version").open() as f: git_hash = else: git_hash = "UNKNOWN" except ModuleNotFoundError: path = Path(package.location) / package.project_name git_hash = "UNKNOWN" except Exception: print( raise installed_entity = doc.entity( f"local:{path}", {"host": platform.node(), "git_commit": git_hash} ) installed_entity.specializationOf(version_entity) for dep in package.requires(): dep_general_entity, dep_installed_entity = package_provenance( doc, dep.project_name ) version_entity.wasDerivedFrom(dep_general_entity) installed_entity.wasDerivedFrom(dep_installed_entity) return general_entity, installed_entity
[docs]class Session: """Manages the a particular run of the software. Has the following uses: - keep information about version of package and dependencies - hold provenance information - track the data read/calculated and operators instantiated - allow that data to be exported and reloaded TODO: Consider whether some of these behaviours should be spun off into separate classes which are then aggregated into this one. Parameters ---------- user_id: str Something with which to identify the user. Recommend either an email address or an ORCiD ID. Attributes ---------- data: typing.Dict[str, DataArray] All of the data which has been read in or calculated during this session. equilibria: typing.Dict[str, Equilibrium] All of the equilibrium objects which have been created during this session. operators: typing.Dict[str, AbstractOperator] All of the operators which have been instantiated during this session. prov: prov.model.ProvDocument The document containing all of the provenance information for this session. readers: typing.Dict[str, DataReader] session: prov.model.ProvActivity The provenance Activity object representing this session. It should contain information about versions of different libraries being used. """ def __init__(self, user_id: str): self.prov = prov.ProvDocument() self.prov.set_default_namespace("") if ORCID_RE.match(user_id): self.prov.add_namespace("orcid", "") self._user = [self.prov.agent("orcid:" + user_id)] else: self._user = [ self.prov.agent(user_id if user_id else "") ] date = session_properties = { "os": platform.platform(), "directory": os.getcwd(), "host": platform.node(), "python": platform.python_version(), } session_id = hash_vals(startTime=date, **session_properties) self.session = self.prov.activity(session_id, date, None, session_properties) # Use an empty ID to short-circuit all of the provenance # calculation. This is useful to prevent provenance being # built whenever this module is imported. if user_id != "": self.indica_prov = package_provenance(self.prov, "indica")[1] self.session.used(self.indica_prov) self.prov.association(self.session, self._user[0]) typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[DataArray, Dataset]] = {} self.equilibria: typing.Dict[str, Equilibrium] = {} self.operators: typing.Dict[str, Operator] = {} self.readers: typing.Dict[str, DataReader] = {} def __enter__(self): global global_session self.old_global_session = global_session global_session = self return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): global global_session global_session = self.old_global_session return False @property def agent(self) -> prov.ProvAgent: """The agent (person or piece of software) currently in immediate control of execution. :returntype: prov.model.ProvAgent """ return self._user[-1]
[docs] def push_agent(self, agent: prov.ProvAgent): """Delegate responsibility to another agent. They will appear to be in control of execution now and will be returned by the :py:meth:`agent` property. Parameters ---------- agent The new agent to delegate responsibilityt to. """ agent.actedOnBehalfOf(self._user[-1]) self._user.append(agent)
[docs] def pop_agent(self) -> prov.ProvAgent: """Take responsibility back from the Agent that it was most recently delegated to. The Agent which the responsibility was delegated by will now appear to be in control of execution and will be the one returned by the :py:meth:`agent` property. Returns ------- prov.ProvAgent The agent that responsibility was taken away from. """ return self._user.pop()
[docs] @contextmanager def new_agent(self, agent: prov.ProvAgent) -> prov.ProvAgent: """A context manager for temporarily adding an agent to the session. This is useful to ensure the agent will be removed even if there is an exception thrown. """ self.push_agent(agent) try: yield agent finally: self.pop_agent()
[docs] def export(self, filename: str): """Write all of the data and operators from this session into a file, for reuse later. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def begin(cls, user_id: str): """Sets up a global session, without bothering with a context manager. Parameters ---------- user_id An identifier, such as an email address or ORCiD ID, for the person using the software. """ global global_session global_session = cls(user_id)
[docs] @classmethod def reload(cls, filename: str) -> "Session": """Create a session from a saved which was written to ``filename``. Thanks to some Python voodoo, any local variables in ``__main__`` will be recreated. """ raise NotImplementedError
global_session = Session("")
[docs]def generate_prov(pass_sess: bool = False): """Decorator to be applied to functions generating :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` output. It will produce PROV data and attach it as an attribute. This should only be applied to stateless functions, as the PROV data it generates will not accurately describe anything else. Parameters ---------- pass_sess Indicates whether, if a keyword argument called ``sess`` is present, it should be passed to ``func``. """ def outer_wrapper(func): param_names, var_positional = positional_parameters(func) num_positional = len(param_names) @wraps(func) def prov_generator(*args, **kwargs): session = kwargs.get("sess", global_session) if "sess" in kwargs and not pass_sess: kwargs = dict(kwargs) del kwargs["sess"] start_time = result = func(*args, **kwargs) end_time = args_prov = [] activity_attrs = {prov.PROV_TYPE: func.__name__} id_attrs = {} for i, arg in enumerate(args): if i < num_positional: argname = param_names[i] else: argname = var_positional + str(i - num_positional) if isinstance(arg, DataArray): args_prov.append(arg.attrs["provenance"]) id_attrs[argname] = args_prov[-1].identifier else: args_prov.append(str(arg)) activity_attrs[argname] = str(arg) for key, val in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(arg, DataArray): args_prov.append(val.attrs["provenance"]) id_attrs[key] = args_prov[-1].identifier else: args_prov[key] = str(key) activity_attrs[val] = str(arg) generated_array = False activity_id = hash_vals(agent=session.agent, date=end_time, **id_attrs) activity = session.prov.activity( activity_id, start_time, end_time, activity_attrs ) if isinstance(result, DataArray): entity_id = hash_vals( activity=activity_id,, **id_attrs ) entity = session.prov.entity(entity_id) entity.wasGeneratedBy(activity, end_time) entity.wasAttributedTo(session.agent) result.attrs["provenance"] = entity elif isinstance(result, tuple): for i, r in enumerate(result): if isinstance(r, DataArray): entity_id = hash_vals( activity=activity_id, position=str(i),, **id_attrs, ) entity = session.prov.entity(entity_id) entity.wasGeneratedBy(activity, end_time) entity.wasAttributedTo(session.agent) r.attrs["provenance"] = entity if not generated_array: raise ValueError( "No DataArray object was produced by the " "function. Can not assign PROV data." ) return result return prov_generator return outer_wrapper